Dec 04, 2014 18:51
In the event that an author has to drop out we want to be able to arrange a pinch hitter for the art prompt as soon as possible.
Pinch hitters will be given additional time to communicate with their artists and write their stories. After signing up if an art prompt becomes available that matches your preferences you will be sent an email asking if you could pinch hit for it. You can say yes or no to that prompt, it's your choice.
Additionally, the minimum word count for pinch hitters is 3,000 as they have far less time they other authors to write.
To sign up as an pinch hitter author please comment with the following:
X-Men Verse you can write in: (First Class, X1-X3 movies, Wolverine: Origins, Comics)
Preferred Characters/Pairings:
Characters/Pairings you WON'T write for:
Sign ups are screened so the only people who will be seeing your email are the mods.
!mod post,
!pinch hitter sign ups