Name: Andrew.
Nickname(s): Some call me Jesus. long story. Other's just call me Andy.
Age: 18.
Gender: Male.
Would you like to rated as a girl, a boy or you don't mind either gender? Doesn't matter to me.
Describe your personality: There's three words in the english dictionary that, I swear, were made for me: cliche. nostalgic. obsessive. Let's put it that way. I love my life to seem like a tv show or a movie, I hate to think about the past but sometimes (most times) I can't help it. And I get all wrapped up in things very easily.
Likes: Couldn't live without my iPod & cellphone. I love television. Coffee keeps me going, food of all ethnicities, I'm so open to that kind of thing. Good talks, long walks, and the strong faith I possess.
Hobbies: Singing is at the top of my list. Were reading and drawing, watch tv and the like fit in close to it.
Dislikes: Dirtyness and stress suck. Ignorant people drive me crazy. People who walk slow make me wish attacking them wouldn't land me in jail.
Strengths: I'm charming and use my words as weapons. I'm observant and good at driving people crazy.
Weaknesses: Emotions & nostalgia. A sad song and a token from a dead friendship or relationship gets me everytime.
Fears: The ratrace of life which is to say, whatever the future holds. If anything.
Hopes/Dreams/Aspirations: Stability. Someone to love. I'd like to be a private investigator. Travel some more.
Mature or immature? More often mature. Immature around a select few.
Leader or follower? Discrete leader. I seem like I'd be the type to follow but when the time comes, I tend to be the workhorse driving the team.
Hyper or relaxed? Pretty relaxed most of the time. I'd rather sit in a nice jazz bar and drink coffee then go to a club and get wasted.
Usually happy or usually sad? I used to be a manic depressant but anger pulled me out of it and I'd say now I'm usually happy.
Rule-breaker or goody-goody? Rule-breaker when I'm not setting an example. But if I'm with a group, I'd try to do good.
Outgoing or anti-social? Fairly anti-social. But outgoing when the time merits (ie. presentations, group work, etc.)
Favorite X-men: Evolution character and why? Combination between Rogue and Gambit. I love Rogue's sorta toughchick attitude but Gambit's very much like Sawyer from Lost. And he deals in cards. I love anything to with dice or cards. It's just so cliche.
Favorite episode: Impossible to choose. My friend Katie and I used to watch them all and at the end of everyone we'd turn to each other and be like "OMGBESTEPISODEVER". So pretty much, we just loved them all.
If you could have the powers of any X-men: Evolution character, who would it be and why? Mystique. I'd love to be able to change my appearance into pretty much anyone I want.
Pictures: (optional, if you don't have any, just describe your appearance)
new haircut!
How did you find
hiros_stamping Any else?