Title: A Window Open to the Night
Author: mainecoon76
Artist: knowmefirst
Verse: First Class, Days of Future Past
Word Count: 9146
Rating: R/Mature
Characters/Pairings: Charles/Erik, Hank/Raven, Alex Summers, Janos Quested, Scott Summers, Jean Grey
Warnings: There's violence. People may or may not die.
Summary: Things have gone well for Charles in the nineteen months that have passed since Washington. The school is prospering, his family is united again, and mutants are widely accepted as equal members of society. Everything changes on a summer night in early August: without warning, his life begins to fall apart, and Charles struggles to prevent a disaster. It takes him some time to realize what - or who - he is truly fighting.
Link to fic master post:
On AO3Link to art master post: To be added (there's one artwork already embedded in the fic.)