Whether you love or hate the plot in the most recent arc of Uncanny X-Men by Ed Brubaker and Billy Tan, you can't argue that the art is FIERCE, and begs to be made into icons every month. This challenge features pages from the most recent issue. It just came out this week, so there are some plot spoilers if you haven't read it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Icons must be submitted by Friday, January 12 at 10:00 p.m CST
- You may submit up to three icons!
- Please do not post your icon entry anywhere else until after the voting period.
- You may blend the pictures together, but you may not use the same picture in more than one icon (by picture, I mean comic frame, you can use more than one frame from a single page if you like).
- Please do not use any other images in your icons, other than those provided.
- If any rule breaking occurs, the icon in question will be disqualified.
- Submit icons by posting them as a comment to this post!
ETA: If you haven't had a chance to buy this comic and want to read it before you look at the images, I have uploaded it here:
http://download.yousendit.com/ACC33B2B0BE52A96 You need cdisplay or another sequential image display program to read it. You can find cdisplay free
at the creator's website