New Comics for September 22, 2010

Sep 21, 2010 08:41

We have a handful of new titles today.

ASTONISHING X-MEN: XENOGENESIS #3 promises a very Warren Ellis look at the X-Men, DEADPOOL TEAM-UP #889 is written by Jeff Parker and features Gorilla Man, which is all a certain sort of discriminating fan needs to know, UNCANNY X-MEN #528 will hopefully continue the recent turnaround on that title, while X-CAMPUS #4 brings us more European-imported craziness. Finally, there's NAMOR: THE FIRST MUTANT #2. Has anybody been following this series? I like Namor in principle but it looked too closely tied in to the vampire storyline that I already dropped.

In collections, I sort of resent the rebranding of Cable & Deadpool (as in DEADPOOL & CABLE ULTIMATE COLLECTION #3) but on the other hand I want it for Christmas. Also, GIRL COMICS, Marvel's showcase series for female talent, is out in hardcover, and this includes some X-Men tales (featuring characters such as Jean Grey, Jubilee, Nightcrawler, and Boom-Boom). And what would a week be without a Wolverine book? This time, WOLVERINE: THE RECKONING collects several issues of Wolverine: Origins and Dark Wolverine.

I hope everybody has a good week and finds something to enjoy!

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