Drabble-A-Thon: X-Men/Fantastic 4

Dec 01, 2008 22:23


(This idea, by the way, was stolen from KAIWYNN & her Twilight Uncanon Drabble-A-Thon.)

So, let's get straight to the point.

Comment to this entry with a drabble (any length BTW).

A few things to remember:

Slash/femslash/het/threesome/gen/smut/fluff/angst/anything is welcome.
You can post more than once.
In the subject line of your comment, write title - pairing - rating (g, pg, pg13, r, nc17)
Pimp this everywhere!

Alright, now get to posting.

Closing date? Um, christmas?

.drabble-a-thon, .fanfiction

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