Title: Silences Broken
rabidtazwritesRating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I do not own X-Men. Never claimed to.
Characters/Pairings: Gambit/Wolverine
Table/Prompt: 12. silence//
tableWord Count:533
Summary: Remy learns how to live with silence, even though he's certain it's going to break him.
Warnings/Spoilers: (if any) A little bit of m/m sex, a little bit of angst.
Remy learns to live a life of silence, relatively quickly when he realizes how short Logan’s patience is.
He can’t help himself though, he twitches, and he babbles when he’s nervous, sometimes he even finds himself humming or singing softly to himself and never in English.
It’s his energy, but Logan doesn’t really get that, or he’s just punishing him for being himself.
The silence is a comfort to him in some ways, because it allows him to feel Logan in ways that he never thought were truly possible, and its amazing. Truly amazing.
Silence is oppressive too though, and sometimes he wishes it would break before it breaks him. He doesn’t say what he wants, doesn’t protest, hardly even fights anymore because he’s gotten so used to keeping quiet for someone else’s happiness.
Logan doesn’t attack him now when he slips into the comfort of the older man’s emotions during those moments when the feral is truly at peace. He seems to understand that Remy does find some sort of solace there.
“Why are you always quiet around me, even when you don’t want to be?” Logan asks him one night as they lay in bed together staring at the skylight.
Remy glanced at him, then sighed. “You like silence.”
Logan inclined his head in a nod, and a small, barely there smile spread across his face.
“But you don’t, and sometimes silence seems too much like cowardice,” he told him gripping one of Remy’s wrists when he moved to get off the bed. “You aren’t a coward.”
Remy shook his head and smiled an almost shy smile when he was tugged over the older man’s body, pressing his lips to Logan’s.
It isn’t until later when Remy is under Logan, clutching at the covers and arching his back in just the right way, unable to speak English so he babbles in French that he realizes how much Logan likes it when he’s loud.
Silence is okay.
Remy can deal with it now, a lot better than he could before. It no longer makes him antsy, especially as Logan’s hand glides along his hip to grasp lightly after they’ve had sex and he’s still inside him.
Silence is the comfort now, instead of Logan.
It is broken when Logan whispers words of comfort to him after a bad fight with Scott or Marie.
It is broken by the soft gasp Remy gives when Logan first slides deep inside of him, punctuated further by a low moan.
Silence no longer rules their lives like it did before and Remy finds himself craving silent moments just so they can find different, inventive ways to break it.
Logan knows now silence isn’t always needed in his life, because he doesn’t want it if it’s going to hurt the Cajun, if it’s going to make him so uncomfortable he starts twitching and his heart stutters a little more every minute as he fights not to panic.
He doesn’t know why silence has a grip on the Cajun, but he’s glad that he is helping to break it, helping him cope with silence, showing him how wonderful it can be because of ways they can break it.