Round 6

Dec 06, 2011 22:31

Welcome to Round 6 of X-Men First Kink

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prompt post, round 6

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FILL: Fluff and coffee and I love you 1/1 ascoolsuchasi December 28 2011, 08:00:44 UTC
Oh hai all! Remember when i said I was going to fill this? No? Oh well, I'll just leave this here anyways. And sorry if my German's not right, I've not gotten this far into the language and was just shooting blindly.

Erik smiles when he sees Charles push open the door with Raven trailing behind him. He looks down at the register and punches in the numbers for Charles’ and Raven’s usuals -- a carmel macchiato and a soy vanilla latte, respectively, and a croissant to share.

Somewhere in the back of Erik’s mind, the part that sounds like horrid mix between Emma and mama, he knows that it’s mildly creepy and borderline stalkerish that he knows it by heart and that he should care, but the smile that reaches past Charles’ baby blue eyes when he asks, ‘The usual?’ outweighs all the negatives and promptly derails the train of thought.

But today, when he looks back up to catch Charles’ eyes, he frowns. That normal sparkle of lifelovehulloi’mcharlesnicetomeetyou isn’t there.

As they reach the counter, Erik gives a half smile, that’s more teeth than anything else, and asks, “The usual?”

Raven nods and says, “Yeah, thanks ‘rik.” with a smile.

Erik rolls his eyes and makes out like he’s pushing the buttons on the register and grumbles, “My name isn’t Rik.” then pauses and looks to Charles and asks him, “You okay? You”

Charles drums his fingers against the arms of his chair and twitches a sad, small smile as he says, “Oh yes, just peachy, my friend.”

Erik scrunches his face up a little, but doesn’t push it.

Raven does though, when she smacks Charles’ arm and loudly says, “Liar!” then shakes her head and mutters, “Martyr.”

Erik quirks an eyebrow and continues to fake pushing buttons.

Raven rolls her eyes and says to Erik with a plastered on smile, “Remy, the sleaze bag --”


She gives Charles a pointed look then continues, “The fucker decided to step out on Charles. Said suddenly that monogamy just ‘isn’t my thing, mon cherri. You understand, no?’ and left.”

Raven shakes her head again and mutters, “Men. Glad ‘m queer.”

Somehow, Erik’s fairly sure he wasn’t supposed to hear that.

Erik smiles and says, “Drinks are in, I’ll send them off to your table?”

Charles nods and heads off to their table in the corner.

Five minutes later, Erik’s on autopilot and smiling a bit too wide and leaning in a bit too close to Charles and says, “Ich hatte dich glücklich machen können.” with the coffee in hand.

Charles stares at him a moment with his head cocked before he grabs his cuppa with a smile. He says, “Thanks Erik.”

It goes on like this for weeks and Erik’s glad to note that with each day, Charles seems a bit happier.

About into the third of fourth week, Charles comes in to the shop with Raven hanging off her girlfriend, Irene.

Erik punches in Charles’ and Raven’s orders, then asks Irene for hers.

Charles smiles and says, “The usual spot, Erik.”

When the drinks are done, Erik walks up to their table, smiles and sets down their order.

He places a hand on Charles’ shoulder and leans down some and starts, “Ich hatte dich glück--” the starts when Charles smiles wider than ever before and tugs Erik over to face him and says, “Ich weiß, mein Freund. Ich weiß.” and kisses him soundly.

Erik shuts down momentarily because, oh fuck he’s actually, before he smiles into the kiss and wraps his arms around Charles to pull him close, not caring that he's knocked over Charles’ coffee in his rush.

And distantly, Erik hears Irene cheering and Raven muttering something the sounds dreadfully close to “fucking finally.” and he can’t help but agree.


Re: FILL: Fluff and coffee and I love you 1/1 ascoolsuchasi December 31 2011, 00:11:00 UTC
Aww, I'm glad my prompt was filled with such sweetness.


Re: FILL: Fluff and coffee and I love you 1/1 ascoolsuchasi December 31 2011, 00:12:27 UTC
Thank you!


Re: FILL: Fluff and coffee and I love you 1/1 ascoolsuchasi December 31 2011, 07:18:11 UTC
So sweet! Thank you!


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