Jun 03, 2011 03:15

You know why you're here. You've seen the movie. You're asking yourself, "So where was the gratuitous Emma Frost as White Queen in a corset? When did Mystique totally make it with Beast? WHY IN HEAVENS DID XAVIER AND MAGNETO NEVER MAKE OUT ( Read more... )

prompt post, round 1

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Re: Erik/Charles AU Ending 1/2 anonymous June 4 2011, 07:24:31 UTC

A couple slight (or not-so-slight) point of divergence as sex is totes no fun when you can’t feel it. OBVS. Pretend Charles passed the eff out right after he got hit, and that the bullet was just a little to one side. JUST DO IT.

Other warnings: schmoop to destroy you, gratuitous writerly abuse of canon and telepathy

Charles blinks, and the bright white that sears into his eyes is so painful he thinks for a moment he’s blind, or that he’s serendipitously awoken right in time for his last moment on earth, right in time for the brilliant heat of a thousand targeted missiles to erase any trace he ever lived.


“Charles?” Erik says, somewhere to the side, his voice hitting like a physical impact, a banshee scream. He wants to see Erik, to be closer-

“Stop moving, Charles, just, stop-”


Charles blinks, and this time the haze of light crystallizes into the sterile gleam of a hospital. The accompanying, rhythmic beats indicate it’s his hospital room, which given the events of the last day is hardly far-fetched ( ... )


Re: Erik/Charles AU Ending 2/2 anonymous June 4 2011, 07:25:08 UTC
Erik’s eyes flash. “I think you, of all people, don’t have to ask that,” he says.

“You know why I do!” He doesn’t know what happened to Shaw’s helmet; no one’s mentioned it at all. He hopes it’s at the bottom of the sea.

“I told you what I was going to do!” Erik says, not shouting but close enough, especially considering he’s close enough to grab Charles by both shoulders, hold on. He did, in fact, tell, and Charles knows that once upon a time he would have roundly condemned it, but now he can’t, even while he knows it didn’t actually help Erik, even though he always knew it wouldn’t.

But Charles doesn’t just mean Shaw. He knows he should have seen it coming, the build-up of every conflict in their ideologies that Charles ignored in favor of just paying attention to ErikNow he sees-he feels-everything he’d glossed over before, all the anger and fear and distrust and hate that Erik harbors towards homo sapiens. Maybe Erik was glossing over it, himself, while they were useful to him ( ... )


Re: Erik/Charles AU Ending PS anonymous June 4 2011, 07:27:11 UTC
This wouldn't fit in either of the other ones x.x

I know this isn't what you wanted AT ALL. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE I SWEAR

Also i see now that a couple other people have expressed interest in this. Sorry :( I will be very very happy if you guys still do it, cause MORE HAPPY AU ENDINGS YAYYY and I seem to have horned in on you unintentionally.


Re: Erik/Charles AU Ending PS iambickilometer June 4 2011, 07:51:59 UTC

But whether it is you or not this is brilliant and possibly a little schmoopy but I think we all needed that after the end. So basically I loved this, thank you for writing it.


Re: Erik/Charles AU Ending PS anonymous June 4 2011, 13:20:28 UTC


Re: Erik/Charles AU Ending 2/2 anonymous June 5 2011, 05:39:57 UTC
asdej;rjisoapurilakjer; I have been desperately needing Erik/Charles since I saw the movie yesterday and this is the first one I've read and oh my Gooooooooood it is everything I needed. In particular, I loved how you wrote their conversation! I thought it was really IC! Thank you so much for this!


Re: Erik/Charles AU Ending 2/2 anonymous June 5 2011, 06:26:50 UTC
Love it.


Re: Erik/Charles AU Ending 2/2 buhhhfaluffalo June 5 2011, 21:47:52 UTC
Not the OP but this is EXACTLY what I needed after the movie <333 So good.


Re: Erik/Charles AU Ending 2/2 anonymous June 9 2011, 16:04:04 UTC
AND NOW THE MOVIE IS FIXED. Thank you, anon.


Re: Erik/Charles AU Ending 2/2 anonymous June 15 2011, 23:58:11 UTC
Erik's "hot, clean joy" absolutely killed me.


Re: Erik/Charles AU Ending 2/2 rockrgrl4ever15 July 12 2011, 18:33:58 UTC

I'm such a sucker for fix-it fic! This made my heart all warm and unbroken (unlike the movie!) xD loved it!


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