Round 3

Aug 22, 2011 18:39

Welcome to Round 3 of X-Men First Kink

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prompt post, round 3

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Erik/Charles, Erik is a jealous husband anonymous September 21 2011, 08:49:32 UTC
When people flirt with Charles while Erik is in the room, Charles can feel his wedding ring tightening around his finger.

Charles doesn't know whether to be touched, or worried about his finger.


Re: Erik/Charles, Erik is a jealous husband cecinepasfanfic September 21 2011, 11:24:23 UTC
And especially this.


Re: Erik/Charles, Erik is a jealous husband richiexcore September 21 2011, 14:16:43 UTC


Re: Erik/Charles, Erik is a jealous husband yanca_lin September 21 2011, 16:46:40 UTC
Yes please!!!


Re: Erik/Charles, Erik is a jealous husband anonymous September 21 2011, 16:51:37 UTC
Hahaha! Oh, Erik. Why am I not surprised that you do this?



Re: Erik/Charles, Erik is a jealous husband anonymous September 22 2011, 17:38:41 UTC

A good defense would be to (almost) rub the ring in the offender's face =D

While Erik is over there in the corner and thinking mineminemine and being all proud and aroused when Charles smiles and not so subtly covers a laugh with the hand with the finger and all but shouts all over Ihaveahusbandwhoisnotyou.

...I think I ate too much sugar today.


Re: Erik/Charles, Erik is a jealous husband anonymous September 22 2011, 18:02:49 UTC
Lol, right? I cannot stop imagining Erik controlling the ring and therefore making Charles' hand rise with it and forcibly shoving it in the offender's face. All the while Charles is slightly amused, horrified, and embarrassed.


Re: Erik/Charles, Erik is a jealous husband anonymous September 25 2011, 02:58:37 UTC
LOL. I can see Erik making Charles 'accidentally' spill wine on the offending flirt's shirt or making him 'accidentally' slap the guy.


Re: Erik/Charles, Erik is a jealous husband anonymous September 26 2011, 21:13:43 UTC
Yes! Jealousy is always a favorite trope of mine.


Fill: In Token Of (1/4) nowadventuring October 13 2011, 05:05:01 UTC
Note: Became a bit more about the ring itself than anything, my apologies.He had begun fashioning it in his spare time whilst they had recruited new mutants. He'd prop up against the headboard of a too-comfortable hotel bed as he'd twist spare bits of metal into intricate knots with an absent thought. It kept him occupied, kept his mind from racing. This had never been something that had concerned him in the past: his teeming, raging thoughts had engendered him with the passion necessary to realize his goals ( ... )


Fill: In Token Of (2/4) nowadventuring October 13 2011, 05:12:45 UTC
The ring became more intricate every day, endless swirls of metal twisting and twining with each other, spinning together in a kind of bizarre dance. Charles's eyes found it immediately whenever it was near, no matter where it was hidden.

Erik decided he would work on it in private. It would be better, he thought, if Charles never saw the damned thing again.


"And if I win," Charles said, moving a pawn, "if I win this game, you'll give me the ring."

Erik shook his head, exasperated. "If you win this game, you'll go to bed with a sense of certainty it will never happen again."

"Oh, is that how I should go to bed?" Charles asked him, words playful, lilting.

Erik froze where his fingers hovered over the chessboard. He straightened in his seat, shoulders tense. "Charles," he said, cold.

Charles sat back as well, his fingers clenching in his lap. "Why do you insist on pretending?" he demanded. "I know you, I know your mind! I know what you want ( ... )


Fill: In Token Of (3/4) nowadventuring October 13 2011, 05:23:17 UTC
"Invisibility is fine, but telepathy is just so fascinating," the woman was saying. Erik clenched his teeth and nursed his whisky as he watched Charles and the woman across the room, unable to tear his eyes away from the hand she rested on Charles's chest, her nails bright red against his dark vest. They stood close together, Charles leaning into that slim, pretty body with his arm resting on the wall, his face close to hers ( ... )


Fill: In Token Of (4/4) nowadventuring October 13 2011, 05:27:07 UTC
In his defense, he had not expected Charles to be at this party. But there he was, at the elbow of the socialite they had been looking for, the woman who could breathe and live underwater. There he was, in that wretched chair, with Erik's ring still on his finger ( ... )


Re: Fill: In Token Of (4/4) richiexcore October 13 2011, 05:35:56 UTC

OH JEEZ!! \o/

This was incredible! I love the tension, and the stark realistic conclusion--that they don't get their happy ending, but they still know how the other feels. In real life, they wouldn't suddenly change or forgive, but still it's heartbreaking like... )=


Re: Fill: In Token Of (4/4) nowadventuring October 13 2011, 05:45:54 UTC
Thank you so much! And I say they totally get their happy ending eventually, because I am a sap and X-Men shatters my heart into itty-bitty pieces. So I'll just tack "And they all eventually lived happily ever after somehow!" to the end of everything I write.

Thanks for your lovely comment! ♥


Re: Fill: In Token Of (4/4) anonymous October 13 2011, 05:50:32 UTC
I love the twist you put on this and how it is so very bittersweet and tragic. Oh Erik, you big idiot. Leave your cape and get your man, won't you?


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