Jul 06, 2004 12:05
Mr. John Edwards will be running with Mr. John "Turbo chin" Kerry for the 2004 presidential election.
I'm sure Vito Solitro is quite pleased.
Please make the right choice...no shrubbery in the oval office.
And if you are 18 years old, register to vote you lazy asses.
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Especially since i have worked with or done internships and community service with one senator... a state rep... and a mayor! I know politics sweetheart and guess what...Clinton...LMAO! If you really knew anything abut politics he turned the white house into one big fuckin club! Dont know if ya knew that one... Or maybe that he used around 1.6 percent of this countrys money on his own personal affairs including a lovely knew vacation destination! (1.6 percent is a few billion in case ya didn't know that either) And in regards to your statement about him doing a lot for this country! HA HA HA! He did nothing for the country other then ride out the good work done by the president before himself... next tim you wanna talk politics call my cell phone... 586-453-3632! I love to debate things that people think they know about by watching someones so called "documentery" by Micheal Moore! Because he doesnt agree with Bush and his actions he makes a movie bashing him... hmmm... so glad the media molds your standards for this country!
Have a lovely day!
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