My name is: What? My name is who? My name is *chika-chika* Ben Basile...
I may seem: like I am something besides who I am.
But I'm really: Me.
Sometimes I feel: Despondent
In the morning I: Wish I was still asleep.
I like to sleep: In the cold, in a big bed.
If I could be doing anything right now I would be: With the people I really care about.
Money is: what the world revolves around but isn't sapposed to be "everything." [IE: The quote "money isn't everything."]
One thing I wish I had is: Complete self-control.
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: My extraordinary to dig myself into holes.
All I need is: guitar lessons
If I had one wish it would be: the self-control thing
First best friend: Chase.
First car: Heh... yet to come. -.-
First date: Erm.. dunno? I guess I can say just recently, first time I actually picked up a chick and payed for everything, etc. March, I belive. That relationship didn't go well. Kind of hard to say "sorry, I'm a little fucked up in the head now due to past relationships and one of my best friend and ex's dying..." She took it well tho..
First screen name: Flame2046
First self purchased album: Creed - Human Clay
First funeral: Had the chance to go to a few...but... no.
First pets: Misha, cat.
First piercing/tattoo: Yet to come..
First credit card: -YET- to come.
First true love: Heh. Alana.
First enemy: Psh. A lot of people hate me for no reason, but I don't pay any attention to them.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: No idea.
Last cigarette: 10 years old whilst I was in Orlando. =P First and last. Fuckin' coughed up my stomache.
Last car ride: Today from school..
Last kiss: Um... that same date thing..
Last good cry: Bleh. I really don't have those anymore.
Last library book checked out: "Lord of Chaos", Robert Jordan. [Wheel of Time series.]
Last movie seen: Van Hellsing. [Uhg. Hated it. Good effects... but it was just action, action, action, got redundant, nothing too imaginitive, bad acting, etc.]
Last beverage drank: MOUNTAIN DEW BABY!
Last food consumed: Chicken.
Last crush: Yeah. Kinda stopped havin' those in middle school.
Last phone call: Heather just called me, last person I called was Ali.
Last time showered: This morning.
Last shoes worn: Adidas Ozweego Running Shoes
Last cd played: Funeral For A Friend - Seven Different Ways to Scream Your Name [gooood CD. Hardcore.]
Last item bought: Lock/chain necklace from Hot Topic. [0mg pos3r!!1!!1!!!11]
Last annoyance: Myself...
Last disappointment: Myself...
Last time wanting to die: Don't keep track of that.
Last time scolded: Dunno.
Last shirt worn: Wife-beater...
Last website visited: My journal, maybe. =P
Last word you said: "Okay" or something trite like that.
Last song you sang: Prolly Thrice or something...
What color socks are you wearing? White.
What color of underwear are you wearing? Grey with lotsa power tools on 'em. [I'll power your tools...]
What's under your bed? No way I'm gonna look. I'll give you a headlight, shovel, shotgun, and a few grenades if you're willing to check it out. Anyone who comes out alive gets paid handsomely. If and only if.
What time did you wake up today? 6:59 AM
Where do you want to go? Everywhere.
What is your career going to be? Music, English, Philosophy, Fire fighting, acting, maybe all of the above..
How many kids do you want? At least one boy and one girl.
What kind of car(s): Porche 944, dammit.
Current mood: Okay.
Current music: Funeral For A Friend
Current taste: Aftertaste of 'Dew.
Current hair: Gel-ed.
Current clothes: khaki pants..
Current annoyance(s): Exams..
Current desktop picture: Flowers. [thuper!]
Current book(s): I stole a bunch of little packets from my church, all about philosophy and other relgions... all are shit so far except one, I'll post about that later, actually.
Current color of toenails: Natural.
Current time-wasting wish: To not waste time.
Current hate: Self...
Current love: You know who you are.
- Stolen from Ven. <3