As Seen on Gothic_Babes community, "Patriotism" the theme..

Jun 29, 2004 02:17

2004-06-28 22:33 (link)
come over hear and say that motherfucker! or if you are here allready get the fuck out,and at least you could have used a current flag not the rusty dull sickle and busted hammer.

communism is a dead political party,get with the 21st century!
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2004-06-28 23:01 (link)
Look at Mister Internet Testicles, what are you going to cyber rough me up? and yes I do live in shithole..I mean America. Honestly your a brainwashed ape if that offended you, I've aggravated you with something that didn't even take me 2 minutes to make, I used a USSR communist flag, because it the most feared and hated version of communism, an embodiment of what the us has hated for many years, it's empty headed plebeians like yourself which make me ashamed of being born in this "democracy". Trust me if I wasn't dirt poor like 90% of this fucking country because of it's "wonderful" economy I would have left long ago.

My reply:

Upside-down cross and the hammer/sickle.

Satanist and communist, lmao, what a combination. What're you gonna do, take all the livestock from the famrmers as the state and sacrifice it to Lucifer? heh heh...

All this guy is doing is pissing you all off for shits and giggels. I'm sure hes read Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto and is well-versed in political and economical science, so just admit hes obviously smarter than us all and ignore the 'lil fucker.

He probably lost his job from masturbating during hours anyway.

[Just thought it was interesting.]

The picture is from the Hands of Arioch website. Heavy metal band. I quote the following: "Hands of Arioch exists for the sole purpose of being an enemy of the alarmingly increasing Judeo-Christian movement."

lmao. Good luck. That thing kind of started, oh, two thousand years ago-ish?

Enemy? I've never heard of these guys before. I've heard of one other anti-American band, Blood Zero or something, because of an extreemly libral friend. [Left to the point of hating America...] I guess we don't hear about them because major record dealers are afraid of persecution from people and/or goverment. Hopefully it will remain that way. God forbid hating America becomes cool via the music industry.
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