zodiac sign:Scorpio
Favorite Movie:Mean Girls & Honey
Favorite Band: Yellowcard, Blink 182, The Black Eyed Peas, Evanescence
Favorite Singer/Artist: Amy Lee, Lindsay Lohan
Favorite Book:
Favorite Actress: Lindsay Lohan,
Favorite Actor: Adam Brody, Orlando Bloom, Tom Felton
Favorite Store:SUPRE
Favorite thing to do on weekends: hang out wif my friends and going shopping!
Favorite Hangout:StarBucks
If you had one wish what would it be and why? hmmm...if i had one wish i would LOVE to b a model...
Who is your role model and why?I think Lindsay Lohan is my role model because she dosent care what people say about her and she is happy about the way she looks. she is a good role model.
Your veiws on
Your future?- i dont really kno wats going to happen in my future...hopefully sumthing good like....money...lol
Abortion?-its wrong to kill an unborn child....imagine if it was u!
Religion?-ppl have their own religions and as long as they dont coax me into joining im fine wif it.
War?-its wrong. wats the point of it? if one country attacks another the other will attack bak...who wants to die really?
Same Sex Relationships?-its up to them if they want to do it. i have nothing against it
Cosmetic Surgery?-sumtimes its a good thing like if u were in a car accident and u needed plastic surgery on sumthing.but wen sum1 goes in and gets their boobs done and they come out looking like a cheap whore its wrong
Fake People?-they need to get a life insted of trying to b sumthing theyre NOT!
Fat People?-its their fault theyre fat...they eat too much junk food and they dont exercise....simple as that
Ugly People?-well....um.....its not their fault theyre ugly...blame their parents.....
This or That
coke or pepsi? pepsi
chicken or tuna?chicken
ice cream or milkshake?milkshake
simple plan or good charlotte?GC totally!
ashlee or jessica (simpson)?jessica coz the things she says is cute!
candy or soda?soda
bath or shower?bath coz its more relaxing!
looks or personality? well...um.....both r good but personallity is betta coz u dont wanna go out wif the most hottest guy in the world but find out he is an asshole
music artists or actors? actors....duh....most of them r hott as!
Promote us one time and link where- yes well i need help wif this so if any of the mods would like to tell me how to do this i will gladly do it.
[Please include 2+ pictures of yourself]
my scanner isnt hooked up yet! damn the thing! wen i get it up and running i shall put 2 pics of myself up? okies? ty!