In Caelum Intramus 1

Oct 09, 2007 19:32

Title: In Caelum Intramus (We enter into Heaven)  1/

Author: Meg-chan (xme_chanx)

Pairing: Shou/Saga

Rating: NC-17

Genre: angst, yaoi

Warnings: sex, angst, mentions of self mutilation, anorexia

Disclaimer: I do not own these boys, I wish I did. I do own the story and will use brute force if you steal it.

Summary: We were finally together, everything was perfect, and then I found out the truth. He hid so much from me, but I was ok with that if he’d stay with me, and promise me never to do it again.

X-Posted: My journal, aliceinloveland,

Chapter 1: Dinner for Two

I yawned loudly into the microphone, causing Tora to glare at me as he tried to stifle his own yawn.

“Ok, then. I guess we’re done.” Nao announced, standing up from behind his drum set.

“Yay!” Hiroto cheered as he plopped onto the floor. Saga just stood there while everyone else started packing up, he was looking quite vacant.

“Hey, Saga,” I called to him. He looked at me. “Huh?” he said. I pointed at his bass, still hanging off him.

“Oh, yeah.” He quickly started packing up as well.

Hiroto was the first one out the door, shouting “Jyaane!” down the hallway. Tora and Nao were working on a guitar part when Saga announced that he was ready to go.

I pulled him into a hug and waved at Nao and Tora. “See you tomorrow, guys.” I felt Saga slide his hand into mine as we walked out of the building.

Outside the PSC building I pulled Saga into another hug and asked him where he wanted to eat dinner.

“Wherever you want, Shou. I’m not really hungry.” He said with a smile.

“I’m starved! I worked hard today, you did too, Sagacchi. We deserve a reward for our hard work!” I exclaimed punching my fist into the air to emphasize that point.

He laughed and squeezed my hand.

“Where ever you want to go, Shou-chan.”

We decided on ramen. Or I did. Saga sipped calmly on tea as we waited for our dinner. I was clacking my chopsticks absently.

“Are you going to practice tonight?” I asked him. He nodded slowly.

“Nao said I was off today, he told me to run over it a few times.”

“Mhm, ok. I have some plans for tonight!” I winked at him suggestively. Saga giggled.

“Shou-kun! Saga-chan!” We both saw Nao approaching with Tora in tow.  Saga asked them if they had eaten yet, and invited them to stay.

“I’m hungry! I want some cake later, Tora-kun.” Nao said.

“Cake is bad for you, Nao-kun.” Saga cut in. “It makes you fat.” Nao just smiled at him

“Since when are you worried about being fat, Saga-chan?” Nao asked. Saga didn’t say anything, so Nao continued.

“There is nothing better than cake after a long, hard day of practice! I love cake, it’s so delicious. It’s best with lots of icing, and sometimes strawberries, ne?” Nao didn’t seem to be near the end of his cake-praise, so I was thankful when the waitress set our bowls of ramen down.

Nao promptly shut up and began to eat zealously. We all laughed as Nao grinned at us with a mouthful of noodles.

The conversation died as we all ate. The only sounds breaking the noise of chewing was the occasional slurp of noodles.

After we finished eating, Nao and Tora excused themselves, while Saga had more tea. I glanced at Saga’s noodles and noticed he hadn’t eaten most of them.

“Do you want to take that for later, Sagacchi?” I asked. He shrugged. “Will you eat it, Shou-chan?”

“I don’t know Saga-kun. Maybe, but you will, ne?” Saga merely shrugged again I sighed and asked the waitress to put it in a box for later.

When we got back to my apartment Saga didn’t even wait for me to close the door before he attacked me with kisses. I laughed and shoved him off.

“I need to put away the food, silly.” He smiled and kissed me again.

“Shouuu-chan! What is your plan for tonight?” Saga called from my bedroom.

“You’ll find out after you practice. Now be a good boy and practice like our beloved bandleader says.” I called back. I heard Saga sigh, then his guitar case opening.

I walked back through the living room and fell into the couch. I heard Saga start warming up, so I closed my eyes and listened to the lovely low tones of his bass.

“Shou-Chan!” my eyes fluttered open and Saga was standing there looking displeased.

“Hm, nani, Sagacchi?” I mumbled sleepily.

“You had plans, Shou-Chan!” Saga pouted, “With me!” He almost wailed.

“Shh, I’m awake. Ok, plans.” I nodded. Saga glared at me.

“Sex, Shou.” He rolled his eyes.

“Ah! Yes, indeed. Let’s go somewhere more comfortable shall we?” I jumped off the couch and pulled Saga into my bedroom.

We kissed passionately; I pushed Saga down on the bed and started to pull his clothes off. I stopped after I pulled off his shirt. I ran my hand over his smooth, white chest. He looked skinny.

“Saga-kun, you look really skinny.” I said softly.

“Mm, thank you, Shou-love.” He giggled. I shook my head.

“Make sure you’re eating enough, ok?” His smile froze.

“I’m fine, Shou-chan!” He kissed me again, and everything else was forgotten as Saga invaded my senses.

He pulled off my shirt, I removed his jeans. He giggled when he took off my pants. I pushed him back down on the bed, both of us in boxers. Saga gave me a devilish smile and ground his hips into mine.  I moaned and arched into him.

He caught my lips in a savage kiss while he pulled off my underwear. I yanked his off his slender hips and tossed them aside.

Saga smiled invitingly, and pulled my face down for another deep kiss.

He moaned loudly as I prepped him, and when I finally slid myself inside we both gasped.

“Shou-kun!” He gasped. I kissed him and started to move. Saga moaned when I hit his spot, I grinned and took his length in my hand and started to pump him.

“Oh God, Shou,” he gasped. I felt myself nearing release right as Saga came, emptying himself onto his stomach. The sight of him in pleasure sent me over the edge and I came deep inside of him. Saga smiled at me.

I leaned over and gave him a chaste kiss.

“Want to accompany me to the shower, Sagcchi?” I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

“Hai, Shou-chan!”

“I’ll go get it started.” I kissed him again and headed to the bathroom. After fiddling with the knobs for awhile and getting towels set out, I went to retrieve Saga. I found him standing on the scale in my bedroom, muttering to himself.

“Saga? Are you ready?” I asked. He looked embarrassed as he met my questioning gaze.

“Yeah, let’s shower.” He smiled and followed me into the bathroom.

I wish I knew what he had been saying on the scale.


Erm… Chapter 1! Hurrah! *pops party poppers*

Since I am actually making headway with this, I may have chapter 2 out tonight or tomorrow morning. I have Latin to go do, so comment and tell me what you think!

Prologue | 2

shou, saga, alice nine., in caelum intramus, fanfic

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