Nerding out

Jan 12, 2011 21:43

Got KH Re:Coded and 358/2 Days last night. Re:Coded came with some bitchin' stickers. I've been slaving away at Birth by Sleep. I'm playing Terra. He reminds me of Tora. It's weird. I couldn't htink who he looked like, and then it clicked and I was like, TORA! :B

The new Saga photos in Arena made me laugh. He is cute, but I don't think I could even pretend to take myself seriously in a pool of red water  while wearing pleather pants. Somehow, he manages to do it.

Found the majority of my fic files safely hidden away on my external harddrive. I have lots of good stuff (eh, you know what I mean, it's already written), and lots of what might be good stuff but I have no idea what direction I was going in. My writing process is weird, so I have like little sentences and paragraphs here and there, maybe an ending.

I gotta go get groceries so I don't eat my puppies or my cat. The base of this entry is, I should have more stuff really soon. ^__^b

Er, I need icons, too. My CS was on my old harddrive, so if anyone can point me to some recent A9, I'd be happy.

OMG I got switched to full-time this week and I am already worn out. Sort of. Like that tired where you don't want to work or clean, but do fun things instead?

Putting the "owie" in Yaoi, (I AM SO FUNNY)

saga, lol

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