Let's Play! 2

Sep 17, 2007 10:29

Title: Let's Play! 2/?
Author: Meg-chan
Rating: NC-17 ( I think...)
Pairing: Saga/Shou, Reita/Ruki, ??????
Genre: Super AU! I have taken several liberties since this is AU. Yes, Saga is Reita’s little brother.
Warnings: Cuteness, man on man, angst
Disclaimer: If I owned them, I’d be a busy girl. But I do own this, so if you steal I’ll find you and pelt your bedroom window with tapioca balls.
Summary: High school! Romance, sexual tension, awkwardness abounds! Start up bands. Because boys and music are sexy.
Notes: Caution! First time smut-writer! Comments are love. Decided to stick this up now. Hope it's enjoyable! ^_^

Chapter 2

When Nao and Shou finally got there, Reita’s practice was mostly over, and the house was clean.  Shou looked really good in normal clothes. He blushed when I told him. Nao gave me a look before coming inside, so I winked at him. He rolled his eyes and walked in. Tora met us in the living room and we filed into the den where Ruki was sitting on Reita, Uruha was sprawled on the floor with Kai, and Aoi was laying on the couch. I stepped over Uruha to grab my bass and plug it in, Tora plugged in too, and Nao sat behind his drums. Shou sat on the floor next to Kai to watch. “What are you going to play?” asked Uruha.

I shrugged and glanced at Tora. “Garden, Dir en grey.” Tora said . Nao and I nodded. Nao started off and then we were playing. I watched Shou watch us and could tell he liked what he saw. He stood up and came over to ask if we knew Cage. I nodded. So we started. His voice was amazing, totally unique. At the end he turned and smiled at us. I hugged him and he blushed. “I really think you guys are great.” Shou said warmly. “We like you too!” Nao beamed.

“Good job otouto.” Reita smiled at me. Ruki gave me thumbs up from Reita’s lap.

“I have some music Nao and I have written, if you want to look it over and we could meet again tomorrow,” I told Shou nervously. He smiled, I love his smile! And he agreed to come tomorrow.

Aoi walked in with a bowl of popcorn and was instantly mobbed. “Get off me, you jerks!” he yelled. “It’s my popcorn, you mooch.” Reita said, poking Aoi hard in the ribs. Uruha giggled with a mouthful of popcorn, spewing pieces everywhere. “Oh, fuck, Uru, you’re vacuuming that!” Reita said. Kai rolled his eyes and started picking up the pieces of popcorn for Uruha.

Me, Shou, Nao and Tora had retreated to the safety of the couch after grabbing handfuls of the popcorn.

Aoi plopped down next to me, but I didn’t notice him until he started talking to Shou.

“How long’ve you been singing?” he asked. Shou shrugged, “Forever. No, I started to take it seriously awhile back, like in junior high.” Aoi nodded. “You’re pretty good.” he added. Shou mumbled a thanks.

I wrapped my arms around Shou’s shoulders innocently. Ok, maybe not so innocently. “You really are amazing, Shou-kun! I can’t wait to have you read our songs! Do you write?” I asked suddenly. The thought never really occurred, but someone had to write lyrics. He pulled away and looked at me. “I do. Kind of, I mean, it isn’t great. And not specifically lyrics all the time.” He said. Nao and I nodded appreciatively. Tora grinned. “Hurray!” I shouted. They laughed at me. And Aoi kind of sat there awkwardly for a while until Reita stood up and yelled, “Get the hell out, bitches!” Aoi pouted but then smiled sweetly at Shou and walked over to Reita.

Aoi better not be trying to do what I think he is. I make a mental note to set Aoi’s guitar on fire next time he leaves it here.

Shou and Tora decide to leave too, so Nao and I walk them to the door. Aoi is there, bitching at Reita about why he can’t stay but Ruki can.

“It’s because I suck his cock.” Ruki said bluntly. Shou blushed, Tora rolled his eyes. “But-”  Aoi started before Reita cut him off. “Go home Aoi, I don’t want you to suck my cock. Ever. You have that spiky thing!” Reita pointed at Aoi’s lip ring.  God, it was like being hit with the awkward bus. I ushered Shou and Tora past them and onto the sidewalk. “See you at school, guys!” I said cheerfully. “Sorry about my brother, Shou-kun. He’s special. Forgive him.” I bowed. Shou laughed. I like his laugh. “It’s ok, Saga-kun. They’re fun. See you tomorrow! Jyaane!” He said. “Jyaane!” Tora added.  I sighed and turned to Nao. He gave me his special ‘I’m Nao and I know all’ look. I stuck out my tongue.

“Come on, Nao. Let’s go to my room because god knows where Reita and Ruki are off being grabby, and I don’t wanna see that.” I said. Nao nodded as I dragged him to my room.


I really should tell Saga thanks later for leaving me alone with Ru-chan. Saga can be really perceptive and nice when he’s not being annoying. Which isn’t often.

Ruki is staring at me, blonde hair in his eyes. I tuck strands behind his ear and lean in to kiss him. He kisses back, and crawls into my lap where he proceeds to straddle me. I squeezed his thighs and he smiled, before capturing my lips and slipping his tongue into my mouth. We kiss deeply, relishing the feeling of each other’s mouth. Ruki breaks the kiss and starts biting my earlobe and trailing kisses down my neck. I hear a noise, and Nao is trying not to look embarrassed as he walks into the kitchen. Saga is following him, and he mouths “sorry” at me. I nod and push Ruki off to take him to my room. He nods and grabs my hand, pulling me towards my bedroom.

Ruki shoves me down on the bed and starts to take off my pants, furiously kissing me all the while. He finally breaks the kiss, because he can’t get my belt undone. “Reita, how the hell does this work?” he asks, frustrated. “It’s broken,” I muttered, pulling the belt off and discarding it to the side. He sighs and unzips my pants, reaching in and removing my hard cock from my boxers. Ruki grins at me like a little kid with candy. Then he swallows me whole. I gasp loudly and call his name. He looks up at me and smiles around my cock. The sight is so arousing. I run my hands through his hair as he sucks me off. He pulls his mouth off, and starts to lick the head, giving me this evil Ruki-grin the whole time. I’m panting and close and he knows. This is when he gets mean. He knows I want it, and he wants me to wait. Ruki always says you appreciate things more if you have to work to get them. He’s right. Finally he’s through playing with me and he slides his mouth all the way down my shaft, working his tongue furiously on the underside. My back arches and I cum down his throat, yelling his name and panting loudly. I hear snickering from Saga’s room, but I could care less as I collapse on the bed. Ruki zips my pants up and licks his lips, crawling up next to me on the bed.

“Rei-chan, you’re are so sexy.” He whispers before kissing me gently on the lips.  I pull him into a hug. “You’re amazing, Ruki-love.”* We hold each other for awhile until Ruki has to go home. I kiss him again, and walk him to the door.

“See you tomorrow, Rei-chan!” he calls. That boy is amazing.



Seeing Reita-kun’s private life on display in the middle of Saga’s living room has been happening a lot  now. But it’s still awkward. Ruki is nice though, so I’m happy for him.

Saga and I collapsed into giggles as we heard Reita shout Ruki’s name in the next room. Saga made a face. “Ewwww, turn up the TV Nao-kun!” he said. I obliged, then sat back on the floor next to him.

“Naokki, what do you think of Shou-kun?” Saga asked uncertainly. I smirked at him. “You like Shou, Sagacchi?” Saga blushed. “I don’t know him very well yet, but yeah. He’s really attractive with a great laugh!” Saga gushed. I grinned. “What are you going to do about it, Sagacchi?” I asked, knowing full well what he’d do. “I want to take him out on a date, see if I really like him or not. You can bring Tora and it won’t be a real date, so we’d all be there and it wouldn’t be awkward.” Saga suggested. I nodded, thinking about it. “What would we do?” I asked. Saga shrugged. “We could go to a café and then an arcade or something. That’d be fun.” Saga said.

“K, I’ll call Tora. We can do it Saturday. That’s the day after tomorrow.” I ran the times over in my head. “Should be good.” I said. I pulled out my cell and called Tora.

“Ey, Tora, Saga’s got the hots for Shou and wants us all to go out Saturday.” I say. Saga is watching me with interest. “What will we do?” Tora asks. “Food and games.” “Ah, K. I’ll do it. Tell Saga he owes me.” Tora replied. I laughed and we hung up.

Saga is bouncing up and down. “He’ll go. Now you just have to ask Shou-kun.” I said, fluttering my eyelashes suggestively. Saga grinned.

* I imagine this sounding like katakana love, or “rabu”; So, Ruki-rabu. Ehhhhh, whatev.


I don’t know why I used real names. Ok, I do. They’re cute, and I thought it’d be fun. Now it’s a hassle… So they are going away… *watches names fly into the sunset* *waves, tear rolls down cheek* I’m a weirdo…  Yikies… And I just now realized that Saga’s house has stairs?? They keep going ‘up’ to rooms. Oi vey, Me. I should think things out more! Also, the Ruki/Reita scene is just thrown in. I hope it’s not too out of place. Obviously they’ve been together before this story starts, which is why it’s ok that they’re being intimate and Saga is ok with it. I hope the smutty part is well-ish done, because I’ve never written smut before! *hides*
On a side note: Hiroto will be making his entrance soon.

どもう ありがとう ございました。

shou, saga, reita, ruki, tora, nao, alice nine

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