Everybody Likes a Challenge 5

Nov 10, 2007 12:01

Title: Everybody Likes a Challenge  5/?

Author: Meg-chan (xme_chanx)

Pairing: Tora/ ? , SagaxShou,

Bands: アリス九號, bis,

Rating: NC-17

Genre: yaoi, AU, some angst

Warnings: man sex, angst, hot boys, test anxiety, gratuitous fluff, no beta.

Disclaimer: I do not own these boys, I wish I did. I do own the story and will use brute force if you steal it. I have no money. At all. So if you sue me I’ll be really sad.

Summary: Tora likes a challenge; his comes in the form of an attractive man.

X-Posted: My journal, Alice in Loveland

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Ch 1


Ch 2


Ch 3


Ch 4


When Tora arrived at his dorm, his roommate was there, necking it up with some brunette…boy? Tora paused for a minute.

“Nao?” He asked, somewhat rattled. The two making out separated. Nao blushed madly.

“Tora, I didn’t know you were Kai’s roommate!” Nao exclaimed. Tora’s roommate blushed.

“Sorry, Tora, I didn’t know you’d be coming back soon. Erm…” Kai laughed nervously, toying with his black hair.

“We’re going out for lunch soon, with Shou and Saga. Want to come along?” Nao asked asked quickly.

“Sure, why not?” Tora said.

“Great!” Nao exclaimed.


“Shou! Get out of my way so I can rinse my hair!” Saga shouted. Shou threw a shampoo bottle at him in response.

“Damnit, Shou!” Saga hissed. Shou giggled and leapt out of the shower.

“I’m done. Geez, Saga, hurry up or we’ll be late for lunch.” Shou snickered.

“You think it’s so funny, you brat. I’m going to kill you when I get out.” Saga shouted.

“I’m too cute to kill.” Shou sang.

“That’s what you think.” Saga muttered. He finished showering quickly after Shou evacuated. Finally, he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Shou wrapped him in a towel.

“See? I’m too cute to kill.” Shou kissed Saga softly on the lips, before running shrieking down the hallway.

“Idiot.” Saga shook his head and laughed.

“SAGA!” Shou screamed.

“What the hell Shou!” Saga yelled back. Shou popped up next to him.

“I can’t find my comb.” Shou said, blinking expectantly at Saga.

“And I would know where it is why?” Saga asked.

“I dunno. I was only wondering if you’d seen it.” Shou said.

“No. Are you almost ready? Oh, you look nice.” Saga smiled at Shou. Shou grinned. He was wearing tight jeans and a sweater.

“You too, handsome!”’ Shou said. Saga looked down. He looked the same as always. Jeans, boots, long sleeved shirt pushed up to his elbows.

“Don’t want to keep Nao waiting.” Saga said. Shou nodded.

“AWAY!” He yelled, putting his arm into a position like that of the flying superman.

Saga grabbed Shou’s arm and dragged him out of the apartment.

“Let’s go, psychopath.” Saga mumbled. Shou merely smiled at him.


A short car ride with Nao and Kai later, Tora was standing in front of the restaurant Tsukasa worked at.

“My friend works here.” Tora said.

“Cool! This place has great food.” Nao grinned. Kai nodded vigorously.

“Do we wait for them or get a table?” Nao asked the other two. Tora and Kai both shrugged.

“I say we go in, then.” Nao decided. Tora held the door open.

“Ohmygod, is that Hiroto?” Nao pointed at their tiny guitarist.

“Wow, he’s with Seika.” Tora raised an eyebrow. Kai giggled.

“No wonder he didn’t want to come to lunch with us, he had a date.” Kai smirked. Tora saw Tsukasa working and waved him over.

“What’s up with those two?” Tora demanded. Tsukasa grinned and shrugged.

“They seem to be quite… interested in each other. Want a close enough table to eavesdrop?” Tsukasa offered. Tora gaped at him.

“I hope you don’t do this for other customers.” He said.

“It’s not like there’s an ethics code for restaurant seating, Tora.” Tsukasa rolled his eyes.

“We want to eavesdrop.” Kai interrupted. “I care not for the policies of seating. I get enough of policy in class.” Tsukasa smiled widely at Kai.

“Right this way, good sirs.” He grabbed menus for three and led them to a table within Hiroto’s general proximity.

“Just so you know, we’re also looking for our friends to join us.” Nao told Tsukasa.

“If I see ‘em I’ll send them over.” Tsukasa sped off to check on Seika and Hiroto again.

About that same time, Shou and Saga walked in. Shou immediately stopped.

“Who are we having lunch with?” He asked Saga.

“Nao, why?”

“Hiroto’s over there.” Shou pointed.

“Don’t point. Who’s he with? Nao and Kai are over there, oh crap, they brought him.” Saga frowned.

“Ooh, it’s Tora!” Shou skipped over to the table.

“Hi Tora! Hi Kai! Hi Nao! How are you this fine afternoon?” Shou asked sweetly.

“Tired.” Tora replied.

“Me too. Saga is a slave driver, making me get up early on Saturday, for crying out loud.” Shou glared at Saga, who rolled his eyes.

“You’ll be ok, Shou.”

“So, who is that with Hiroto?” Shou asked, large eyes sparkling.

“That’s my friend Seika. No idea how they met though. I didn’t know they were going out.” Tora said.

“Huh. I’ll have to find out later.” Shou said, looking thoughtful.

Conversation died down as everyone ordered and plunged into the appetizers. Tora caught Saga staring at him as he licked his fork. Tora’s eyebrows met in the middle of his forehead.  What the hell was Saga playing at? Tora decided to have some fun too.

“That good, huh?” Tora asked Saga.

“Mmmm, yeah.” Saga moaned. Shou raised an eyebrow at that.

“What are you doing?” Shou asked, distaste evident in his voice.

Saga leaned over and kissed the brunette singer.

“Eating.” Saga whispered in Shou’s ear. Shou giggled. Tora narrowed his eyes. He stood up and slammed his hand down on the table. Everyone looked up at him in surprise. Except Saga, who looked smug. Tora’s eyes widened.

“I…I… I have a paper due!” He blurted. “I completely forgot! Oh god, it’s worth like, a quarter, no, a THIRD of my final grade!” Tora lied. He was mentally slapping himself.

“Oh.” Nao said, eyes wide.

“Ye-yeah, I need to go work on it. Thanks for inviting me.” Tora pulled out his wallet and handed Nao enough cash to cover his stuff.

“See you later.” Kai said gently. Tora nodded. Saga was watching him with interest. He glared at Saga before leaving.

“Hey! Where are you going Toraaaaa?” Tsukasa whined.

“Home. See you later, Tsukasa.” Tora mumbled.

As soon as he was far enough away from the restaurant, he grabbed his hair and yelled.


“I had no idea you were that into me.” Tora wanted to disappear as soon as he heard that voice behind him.

“What do you want?” Tora asked.

“What do you want?” Saga asked back.

“Right now, I’d love to kill you. But then I’d feel bad for Shou.” Tora snapped. Saga was beginning to affect him more deeply than he wanted to admit to anyone, let alone Saga himself.

“Why are you such an asshole?” Tora demanded. Saga looked hurt.

“I’m not, really. I thought you were fun to play with. You didn’t seem to mind at first. I liked that.” Saga looked genuine for the first time since Tora had met him. Well, that he wasn’t interacting with Shou.
“What about Shou?” Tora demanded. Saga sighed.

“I told you, it’s complicated.”

“Explain it to me.” Tora said gruffly. Saga ran a hand through his hair, pursing his lips.



I don’t know how I feel about this chapter yet.


But, we’re getting there!

See, that’s who I paired Hiroto with. I love Seika to death, he’s adorable, especially in the Believe in Style or “Days” look. *nods*

everybody likes a challenge

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