夢 に 会いました。 3

Oct 14, 2007 20:38

Title: 夢 に 会いました。(Yume ni aimashita. We met in a dream)  3/

Author: Meg (xme_chanx)

Rating: NC-17 (soon!)

Pairing: SagaXTora, ShouxHiroto, NaoXKai

Genre: AU, yaoi

Warnings: man sex, non-beta-ed

Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, I do own my ideas and the story.

Summary: His face haunts my nights, and I’m left to search for him during the day. The only thing I’m afraid of is that he really is only a dream.

Notes: Comments make me happy

X-Posted: My journal, aliceinloveland

At the coffee shop, I’m the only single in our group. That’s depressing. Ruki and Reita had gotten together recently, and took great delight in showing each other affection. Much to my annoyance.  I probably wasn’t very good company either. I sat scowling into my coffee for the better part of 15 minutes when we first arrived.

“What’s Saga-chan’s problem?” Ruki asked Shou in a stage whisper.

“We woke him up. And he’s lonely.” Shou gave me a sympathetic look.

“We could hook you up with one of Aoi’s friends! We could set you up with Shinji!!” Uruha said excitedly. I gave Uruha a look. I’m not the type for blind dates.

Aoi laughed at Uruha’s dejected expression.

“Most people don’t want to be ‘fixed up’, Uru-kun.” Aoi said sweetly. Uruha nodded and sighed.

“I’m just trying to help.” He pouted.

“Are you guys coming to the exhibit party next week?” Nao asked. Everyone nodded.

“We can bring Shinji-kun!” Uruha whispered to Aoi.  We all laughed. Uru was unstoppable when he wanted to be.  I nodded my approval.

“As long as I’m not being forced to go out with someone I don’t know and possibly offend them in the course of trying to woo them, then I’m alright with it. Besides, it’d make Uruha’s year.” I said with a smile. Uruha giggled loudly.

The party for exhibition is small, but it’s free food and we get to celebrate the fact that the school hangs up the art we paid to make. Rewarding, eh? Nao, Ruki, and I are the only art majors. Kai is music and Reita is too, Hiroto is finishing high school, and Uruha is doing god knows what. I have no idea what Aoi does, either.

“Saga-kun’s painting is amazing!” Nao gushed. Oh god, I don’t want to talk about this right now.

“Don’t tell them, Nao-tan, they can come see it at the party.” I interjected.

“Ah! Good idea Saga-kun!” Nao smiled.

~~~~~~~~~One week later~~~

Shou is being really loud while he’s getting ready. By getting ready, I mean he’s screwing Hiroto senseless. I’ll have to ask him when taking Hiroto against the wall was considered proper preparation for going to a party. On the other hand, it’ll probably keep Hiroto calm for most of tonight.

I sighed and placed my attention back on my closet. I was going to have to wait for Shou to finish with Hiroto, because I had no idea what to wear. If I show up in a t-shirt, Nao will gripe and Uruha will think I’m not even going to try with Shinji. Which, he could be right about.  I sighed loudly.

“SHOU! Are you almost done? “ I pounded on the wall. I squealed loudly when my bedroom door flew open and Shou stepped in, clad only in jeans.

“You called?” he smiled angelically. I rolled my eyes at him.

“Dress me.” I ordered. He grinned and went to my closet. He handed me a pair of dark jeans and a purple shirt.

“Wait!” He said and dashed from the room. He returned carrying a white blazer with purple trim and detail.

“I made it in one of my design classes for you.” Shou said proudly.

“It’s awesome, Shou.” I took it with a grin.

“I’m going to put makeup on you.” Shou never asks about fashion. It’s either a statement or a command. I nodded.

He left to dress Hiroto while I put on the clothes. I looked really nice, and he incorporated most of my favorite colors.

I yelled at Shou to let him know I was clothed and he came into my room with Hiroto, who was carrying a plethora of make-up.

Shou looked at me, made a “Hmmm” noise, and then grabbed eyeliner and lipgloss. The liquid eyeliner was cold, but I sat still. He handed me a mirror after he finished. Hiroto gave me a thumbs up. The eyeliner accented my eyes nicely.

“Thanks, Shou.” Shou bowed and handed me the lip gloss tube.

“Put this on. It looks nice, but not girly.” He nodded. I grinned and took the tube.

“We’ll meet you there, Sagacchi!” Shou said smiling fondly at me as I left the apartment.

Why was my heart beating so hard? It’s just another night, isn’t it?


Nao met me at the gallery hall.

“Saga-kun, you look great! Did Shou do it?” I frowned at my friend’s lack of confidence in my abilities to dress myself.

“Yeah. But I could have if I wanted to.” I mumbled. Nao laughed and we wandered through the students to find Ruki. Reita was already wrapped around the smaller blonde, even though only art students were supposed to be here right now. He waved at us walked over.

“How’d you sneak your boyfriend in?” I asked.

“I told them he was an accessory.” Ruki said airily. Nao and I snorted.

“You would, Ru-kun.” I ruffled his hair. Reita laughed when Ruki slapped my hand away.

“Uru’s really excited. That Shinji guy is coming, so look out. Nao and I can enact evasive maneuvers if need be.” Ruki said seriously. I laughed at him.

“It can’t be that bad.” I replied. Ruki gave me a serious look.

“It’s one of Uru and Aoi-kun’s friends. Think about that. Oh, and we saw your painting! It’s really cool. Love the title!” Ruki switched from concerned to bubbly.

“Thanks.” I replied. The title was “Yume no hito*”, not very original if you know where the idea came from. But I wasn’t about to tell Ruki. Nao and I continued to wander through out fellow students, chatting and stuff while we waited for the exhibit to start.

Finally everyone was there, and Uruha kept grinning at me.

“Shinji-kun said he’d be here soon, Sagacchi!” I nodded at him. If I don’t like this guy, Uru’s going to be sad.

I headed to the bathroom when Nao caught me. More like, Nao almost tackled me and had a really crazy look in his eye.

“Saga, you’re not gonna believe this!!” Before I could reply he grabbed me and hauled me over to where my painting was hung. I turned my head to ask him what the hell he was doing when he pointed.

And there he was, black hair, tall, cunning eyes, and that distinct nose.  My breath hitched in my throat. Nao was saying something but I couldn’t hear him. All I could see was him. Tora.

“Nao, he’s right there!” I whispered. Nao nodded. I was frozen on the spot, staring at the boy looking at the painting of himself on the wall.


Person of the Dream


I have no experience as an art student. I apologize for discrepancies. I did do ballet, and usually there is at least one party (with lots of wine and drunken ballerinas *giggle*). Art and gatherings go well together, in my head.  And I am jealous of those of you that can draw, for that has ALWAYS been beyond me.

Look! He’s real!! *Spins around with Saga* YAY!

For those of you that are reading both of my stories, “In Caelum Intramus” will return shortly, I was just not in the mood to write it this weekend. I hope you guys all had a great weekend and ganbatte on the upcoming week!

alice nine., yume ni aimashita

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