Dec 06, 2005 22:15
sorry I keep doing these.
nothing to sayyyyyy
`What size is your bed?: Twin
`Is your floor carpeted?: nope, wood
`If so, what color is it?: woodish colored.
`Do you have posters on your wall: HAH. just a fewwwww.
`Of what?: Bands, movies, pictures of friends, drawings I've done. Crap.
`Do you keep your room clean? depends on my mood.
`What's on your floor?: a lot of clothes, wrappers, and cords to things.
`Are you allowed to eat in your room?: like that would stop me
`How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: 2? 3 if i'm bored
`Do you take a shower daily?: yup. 2 times if I'm bored.
`Do you wear perfume/cologne?: mhm
`Do you go outside often?: lol I try avoid it.
`Is your lawn green or brown?: dead
`Do you have a patio in the back?: a deck
`How many trees are in your yard?: infront, like 4
`Are you male or female?: gurlieeee
`Are you sure?: yes sir!
`Do you have any piercings?: muh ears
`If so, where?: oh. my ears!
`Do you like your name?: I'm used to it. I can't picture me as anything but Danielle
`Do you like lotion? sure?
`Chapstick?: I LIVE FOR IT
`Do you shave your legs?: ughhhh I hate it
`Is the sky really blue, or is it white with blue clouds?: you are stupid
`Did that last question confuse you?: shut up
`Do you eat chocolate often? if its infront of me, YES
`Do you have a job?: I do chores?
`Do you like it?: sometimes
`Why or why not?: sometimes I like to clean?
`Have you ever wondered why there is bark on trees?: to keep it warm
`When you kick a tree, does it bruise the tree? this is really dump, i should have proof read this survey.
`What do you hear right now?: OLD SCHOOL MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE
`What do you smell right now? cinnamon orbit
`Are you alone in the room?: yeeeeah
`Are you at home?: Yes
`What time is it?: 10:21 p.m.
`Who was the last person you talked to on phone?: Brianna
-person you hugged: Ashley or Marissa
-person who called you: Brianna
-person you called: mom
-thing you touched: mouse
-magazine you bought: AP =)
-place you went: school
-person who said i love you: my mom 8-)
-person who you chatted with: Mike
-perfume/cologne you sprayed: uhh
-thing you ate: ice cream, of course
-drink you drank: water
-flower you picked: oh man I can't remember
-movie you rented: uuuuhhhhhhh From Hell?
-letter you typed: l
-word you said: UGHHHH
-person on your mind: Chelsea, since I was talking with her
-place where you slept: parents room
-animal you touched: Otot. I love him. aka Toto
-time you cried: my eyes leak water everynight because I'm tired but seriously cried? um. Sunday? maybe Monday, I cry a lot