Dec 16, 2005 15:56
I am sick again. It's basically my job. My glands were like the size of my head last night at the girl's game. I pretty much got no sleep last night cuz my nose was stuffed. I was so glad when i woke up to find out there was no school yay! So slept in then woke up and help my parents get ready for a little xmas party we are having tonight. My sister, her husband, his mom and step dad, my moms best friend and her husband and my parents two friends are all coming. Cant complain because my brother-in-laws mom is bringing her cookies that she makes and they are wicked good.
Christmas is soon! 9 days! cant wait. Im also goin for my license soon. I hope i get it! well that all for now.
Sure you really cared about all that! lol <3