Jan 22, 2006 00:45
So the beginning of the semester started of a bit stressful. everyone moved in on Tuesday, but I moved in on Wednesday after classes. Josh helped me get a desk out of the closet in our suite and I sort of rearranged the room a bit. It's very organized and very neat.
my tuesdays and thursdays are going to be a disaster. I have to wake up at 6:30 get up and take a shower and such then go to Writing across the street on the third floor to the library. I have to actually climb the stairs, they don't have an elevator, which will be nice because it will give me excercise and it will wake me up. There we will sit in the same room and talk to each other on computers. That class might be sort of hard. I get out of class at 9:15 ande don't have class until 11. I choose not to take a shower at this time because I think someone else has to shower around this time too. I like to take my time in the shower, its the only place I can be totally alone. Anyway, so during that time I'll probably nap, maybe work on some stuff I need to get done and I'll make myself a lunch before I go to class. Josh has class at 11 in McKay, as do I. We are actually right down the hall from each other. I have economics, which will probably be a boring class. Except there is a middle aged woman in my class who reminds me of my high school janitor in a way. She has a voice lilkes she's smoked since she was 13 and she works in the mall. Her father was a handyman who supported his six kids. There is also a smart boy from my history class last semester. He and I had talked about being history teachers when I was deciding whether or not to change my major to history. My 12:30 class is a few classrooms down from economics. I have geography. CJ is in my class. The teacher seems quite out there, but I think it will be an easy class. I have to eat my lunch between 12:15 and 12:30, I'm going to have to wolf it down quick. So then after georgraphy I have to walk fro McKay to Percival by 2. Josh is in Thompson, which is right next to Percival. So we'll probably see each other after that class gets out. I have History of Mexico, which I am really worried about. It seems like its going to be a very challenging class. Writing II was the prerequisite for the class, but my advisor is the teacher, so he redcarded me in. I'm the only freshman in that class. A girl from my history class last semester is in it. We sort of talked after class. After I left the building she came up beside me and we talked about the work load. Then, when in Thompson waiting for Josh, I saw Jen in the lobby rushing away to somewhere over the Rainbow.
Wednesdays and Fridays are going to be reallly nice. I only have one class at 11:00, On Friday, I kicked ass in that class. It seems like its going to be an easy grade. But who's to say, it could take a turn for the worst.
I'm really enjoying my new work ethic, I'm very confident that I will do well this semester. I was inspired by Hermione's study habits in Harry Potter.
Groton closes next weekend. The last two nights working have been loads of fun. I think there sihould be double coverage until close all the time, it's so much better working when someone else is there.
charging fees to peoples credit cards is very empowering.
well, I have to get a lot done tomorrow, so I'm gonna go call Josh and hit the hay.