Complete The Statements...My dream house could be described as::Gingerbread A million dollars would best be used::a new drum set, killer systems, and donate the rest In ten years I will be::dead? My favorite year/age was___ because::Grade 10, I was happy If I could just kiss::....I'll pass If I could rid the world of one thing it would be::Ignorance At Starbucks I normally order::Caramel Frappicino The best dream I ever had involved::Her My favorite photograph::Me holding Kat The most recent phone call I received::None When I hear the word 'eject' I automatically think of::A VCR I can only compare the feeling of being loved to::It cant be compared The most fun I ever had was::Jumping off the bridge I want to visit ___ because::Paris because its the city of love If I could travel back in time I would::Take back everything I've ever done to hurt people In my favorite book, the main character::Harry Potter x_x Two songs that would be on the soundtrack of my life would be::Down in a Hole - AIC and Plastic Man - Seether I will never ever::Find a love like that If my house was burning down one thing I would definitly grab would be::My wallet and photo album My romantic status is currently::None My best friend is::Ellie I love::Her This one time I was at the beach and::Everyone was estatic to be there, but Ellie Piericings are::Hot The one person I can always count on is::El Wal-Mart is::Poor Mans Macy's The most over used phrase would have to be::I'm sorry The one CD I can listen to without skipping is::Seether - Karma and Effect My bedroom is missing::Me
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