Jan 01, 2010 01:30
Goodbye 2009, and welcome 2010!!!
Feeling somewhat accomplished today with work. We had our last Youth Engagement team meeting of 2009! We're getting really pumped for conference. Less than 5 days! There's still so much work to be done!
For the evening, we went out skating at our local community center. It was free for tonight, and wow, I swear the entire city ppl came out. It was ridiculously full of people!!!!!! My cousin and our guests skated, and I and another guests was watching them. Didn't feel like skating today. Haven't skated in so long, but it's always fun to watch other people skate! It's free for 3 hours, but because so many people, they limit you to 50 minutes. Basically after skating, we had family dinner, and then we were chatting in the kitchen for pretty much the entire evening. I called Danny at midnight to wish him happy new year, and say that I will see him very soon (at conference!). now ... a new decade!
This past year:
- Was a year of achievements, learning, struggle, disappointments, new friendships, love, and of course new experiments.
Top 10 Best of 2009 (and rememberance) :
(not in any particular order!)
- Finishing school - my best housemates ever ... (in early 2009) - Valerie, Anna, Louise, Alison and Lexie!
- Working with Engineers Without Borders (my awesome 3 team mates that means everything to me - Nick, Courtney and Sean, you guys are the best! I love you all!)
- Directing fame the musical in April
- Going back to China with my parents - the first time since we came to Canada.
- Harry Potter
- Twilight: New Moon
- 2012
- Glee: the best new tv show
- Teaching piano: my two awesome students!
- my favourite Piano teacher - Carolynne
Thank you to everyone for making this year one of the best! Of course there are ups and downs! I want to take this time to remember my cousin's best friend: Chen Min, who passed away this past August! She was more of a family member/sister to me!
Here's to celebrate 2009, and to bring on 2010! a new decade, winter olympics in Vancouver ... and many, many, more!!!!
Happy 2010!