Mar 07, 2004 15:24
This weekend was AMAZING!
Friday was fun. We had school n partice, they both went good. After pratice we had team dinner. We were posta go to Red Robins, but ya there assholes there. N they told us that they couldnt take parties of 16. Hey Red Robin, blow me please..(but i still love their food.) So we went to Denny's insted. It was fun. Man it gets pretty crazy when all of us get together.
After Team dinner most of us went to the boys hockey game vs GI, ya we lost 7-0. It was sad it was the seniors last game. but we all had to leave early cuz we had to be in by 10:30 for vball crufue. We didnt miss much at the game. So ya i dropped Denise off, came home just in time for coach Kate to call. Got all my stuff for saturday packed n went to bed.
Got up saturday n got ready n drove out to districts @ Light n Life. Our first game was against Luthern South, ya we killed them. We watched the second game, it was Light n Life vs Baptist Park. Light n Life won. But i loved Baptist Park, they stayed for the final game n they cheered for us!
After districts me n Denise drove out to Nick's hockey game @ Cranbrook. The drive out there was fun. lol. It is so.. pretty @ cranbrook. I wish i could go there. So we finally made it to the ice area, after 20 mins of tryin to find it. N we caugh the last 5 mins of the game. Cranbrook beat OLSM 3-1. Good job kids.
So after the game me and Denise waited for Nick n we talked to him for a little bit. Then we drive home.
I came home n passed out. Then Denise n Sar n Meg called me. N we all wanted to go out to the movies. So i called Nick n made him pick what we were gonna see. He picked Eurotrip. It was a funny movie. Before the movies Nick came over n we jsut hung out n then the girls came over. we all hung out n then off to the movies.
Dang. none of us were quite in the movies. haha.. It was a fun night.
Today i really didnt do much, homework n cleaned...
::screams:: I still cane believe that we won districts!!