May 17, 2007 21:39
Well, districts is over and track season is offically at an end. It could not have come sooner, however, I know I'll probably miss it. All the hatred and excitement, anxiety and depression, it was worth it. Every argument and negative thought I've pushed into the past, I'm over it. What's done is done. Whatever. One season down, two left. I've had some great experiences this year running on the high school team. We've made our own renditions of "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", I've ran into and elbowed Steph Hippo and every member of the team countless times, we've pissed each other off doing so and laughed when we finished meters away, I've gone panther hunting, I've wanted to kick someone, throw them off the track and punch them, I've tackled Steph when she dominated a race, and I've wanted to curl up into a ball after I didn't do so hot during my race. I've been almost everything and nothing this season.
Now it's time to take a week or so off before getting ready for cross country season. I really want to swim, although swim season isn't until December. I could definitely go for some skiing right now too.
One obstacle done, only finals left until I'm officially ready to start summer. I can't wait.
Goodnight folks :)