Aug 16, 2004 02:48
Okay, I have decided to make my journal into a Friends Only. It is kinda freaky that these weird people check out my shit just to see what's going on in my life...or whatever. Hmm...what else was I gonna say before I make this into a Friends Only journal...
Oh, I have finally agreed with the majority of my chick friends...that guys DO suck. Why didn't I think about this before? Man, I'm such a dumbass. I try so hard to be friends with my ex. Which is starting to become difficult(i think) for us. Um...I don't know what to do...and I don't wanna start taking peoples advice on what to do in this situation. or whatever. Ah. This sucks. I hate it how they mess around with your emotions. (No its not my ex that does this, its guys in general, so shut the fuck up). I hate it how you go ooo ahhh awwwwww how sweeeeet...on the things they say to us. (man we're stupid) I hate so many things about guys...maybe I should turn gay. ahhhh...yeah right, like if that would ever work. *Kelli? lol.* Anyways, and its funny how guys call us girls stupid. Meh, whatever man. I think girls are stupid anyway (includes me by the way).
Also, please...whoever likes me or thinks they're falling for me or whatever, please try not to. I know its only natural, but please know that I want nothing to do with guys this year at all. Respect that, please. I don't care how cool you are, how hot you are, how cute/silly you are, NOTHING. I want no boyfriends at all. I think they are too much of a hassel and will for sure turn out to be another heart break.......possibly. Heh. I want FRIENDS only. Shit.
--Sorry if I'm being a bitch right now. Sorry Sorry :[ I don't mean to.
Things are changing....hmph, I'm not gonna get into detail about happens to all of us...right? right.
I hope things will work out for me in the future. I really wish that people would become nicer. I really wish people were considerate. If not, fuck off. Like I said in some other profile, "I hate assholes and I'm sensitive".
Ok. I'm done. See ya.