Oct 11, 2006 20:00
i cant sleep. so here's some things.
-i have written a good chunk of various script, taking whatever this pilot is going to become anywhere from some sort of drama to a comedy to perhaps even a 'dramedy' as the folks in hollywood like to call it. but then i get all self-concious and decide not to post it here, thus negating the previous post about my 'work blog' and making me a liar. go figure. deep down i think ive written some good stuff though, and someday maybe i'll post something.
-there's a ton of good shows on TV now and thats pretty intimadating in a way. Lost, Heroes and Studio 60 (Im still not sold on "The Nine" yet) make up the best dramas I think I've EVER seen on TV. It's Always Sunny In Philly and The Office are the funniest shows to hit TV in a long long time (Philly being WAY better), and My Name Is Earl fills a gap that TV has needed to have filled for a long time - a show that always leaves you feeling good. I don't care how much something makes you laugh, when Pam and Jim kiss or whatever you always end up feeling like 'oh shit, Roy's life is ruined' or something. Earl ALWAYS ends on a note that makes you think the world is ok. And WEEDS is just a soild show on all levels. I'm gonna watch DEXTER today as I've heard its also good.
-i realized today that I watch way more TV this year, and where as I used to think its because i have more time to do so, its really because there's just that much more on TV worth watching. Like I said, writing is solid with this batch. I expect this years series premieres to end up being the FRIENDS, SEINFELDS and THAT 70s SHOW of our era.
-im sick of pretending that i dont still read comic books. look at the above shows - or most of the highest grossing movies in the past decades - and guess where they all come from. Comic books. You know why? Because all a comic book is is a storyboard. Marvel's "Civil War" right now is better than most movies that have come out recently, and Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith's "Fell" is one of the best, well written and twisted detective stories ever. All of it - on TV or in a book without the pictures - would gain mainstream appeal, but since its got drawings and ads for Combos and Kudos bars scattered throughout it's not taken seriously. Ugh.
-I realized today Im not who I thought I was. I always counted myself as one of the few guys who really just wanted to be in a happy, commited relationship. Today, i finally realized that I'm one of the few guys who wishes he was a guy who wanted to be in a happy, commited relationship so bad that he actually believed it.
-my music is coming along weirdly. Not as planned at all. I have one full song, and roughly 20 bits and pieces of stuff. But I decided to just write what I write and hope for the best. Frusterating, but I think its better than driving myself mad trying to write a chorus when I have nothing to say.
-10 years ago the plane that crashed into a building in NYC today wouldn't even really be news.
-Im gonna try and sleep again. I guess.