Sep 05, 2007 21:18
So Limerock was sweet.
Wolverine hunting at 1 a.m.
Passing out in the limerock chair for hours, hurry for farmers tans? ha not so much. w/e though it happens haha.
Gotta love being lied to about everything though. I'm the asshole though, for being pissed off at a "friend" trying to jones me out of money. Sweet. so be it.
Tech sucks balls. worse than ever. Senior release is bullshit cause I cant ever do anything or go anywhere. well i can, as long as i make it back to tech in an hour. pointless as far as im concerned.
I love when people make plans with you too, but blow you off.
Or even better when they make plans, tell you they cant hang out cause of a legitimate excuse. then come to find out hours later their excuse was bullshit lies cause they contradicted themselves and are doing exactly what they said they couldnt. You have to love it.
To top things off, your "friends" steal from you, my ferrets destroyed one of my most valuable possessions, I got locked out of my house the other day and had to climb onto my roof to get in, and today ive felt like shit all day.
I never have anything good to say do I ? ha