Sep 13, 2006 23:07
Today was interesting.
My classes blow major ass, I'm rediculously pissed i dont have ANY classes with Sydney, Sandy, or Dylan. 3 years in a fuckin row too. Plus I got other country for algebra....fuck her. Yogi's the shit though.
After school was sweet though. me and sydney walked over to THS and were supposed to chill with K sex and go to Canton but we didnt cause he wanted to go riding. thanks.
went back to my appt with Sydney and Whitey chilled for a while then he left and we chilled till Brian showed up, then went downtown to find whitey and buds, no luck really. went back to my house and packed the truck and mini van up and went to Canton. showed Sydney and Brian around the house and went across the street and chilled on this rock but Brian went back to the house so me and Syd laid there watching bats and a huge bird for a while. Then we went back to unload the van and truck and started beating each other when we were done haha. went back to my house and met with her mom. chilled in the parking lot for a while just talking n then she left.
If she didnt have to go home and I didnt either, no lie, we'd probably still be on the rock haha. It's our rock now, we decided we'll tag it and push anyone who goes there besides me and her into the water. I'm glad we hung out, it made me think alot and all I can really say is I don't ever want to fight again, not that I did in the first place, but today was just awesome and to think of us fighting just sucks more then most people would think. We need to go back soon.
there's too much shit on my mind for this right now =/