I stole this
here. Thanks =D
Pick your five favorite TV shows and answer the following questions. Don't cheat!
1. House MD
2. Pushing Daisies
3. One Tree Hill
4. Heroes
5. Lost (Not really but I don't watch TV enough to have 5 favorite tv shows. XD)
01. Who's your favorite character in 2?
I'd say Chuck. She's so sweet, but Emerson is funny like hell. XD
02. Who's your least favorite character in 1?
God... Do I hate anyone in this perfect show? I don't think so. =|
03. What's your favorite episode of 4?
The last of the 5th season, when Brooke has to let Angie go home. I cried. XD
04. What's your favorite season of 5?
The 5th because everything finally make sense.
05. Who are your favorite ship in 3?
I don't know, I can't think of anything. XD Maybe Skills and.. Peyton =|
06. Who are your antiship in 2?
Don't really know. It's hard to say
07. How long have you watched 1?
Since the first season.
08. How did you become interested in 3?
There was nothing else on TV so I watched the first episode. Didn't really like it. But it got better. =D
09. Who's your favorite actor/actress in 4?
Don't know all the names but the ones that play Mohinder Suresh and Hiro Nakamura
10. Which do you prefer: Season 1 of 2 or 5?
Don't know
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
The one that has the more episodes
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Monica Dawson. She's so cool. I'd also like to be Sylar, but a nice and peaceful one. XD
13. How would you kill off your favorite character in 1?
14. Give a random quote from 1?
Everybody lies. We all love this one, I guess!
16. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
I'd like to see =| It'd be weiiiiiird.
17. Pair 2 characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
Cameron and House, of course.
18. Has 5 inspired you in any way?
No XD.
19. Overall, which show has a better cast, 2 or 4?
Can't decide.
20. Which has better theme music, 3 or 5?
3 of course!