Apr 01, 2004 20:41
1. Having lunch with the big boys
2. Heavens to murgatroyd
3. Beam me up Scotty
4. Ducks in a row
5. Whistling "Dixie"
6. Post gay
7. Put my kahunas on the line
8. Da bomb
9. Poon
10. Anywho
11. Pipe down
12. Think outside the box
13. Gotta be jelly 'cause jam don't shake like that
14. Cool beans
15. H-E-double-hockey-sticks
16. Cowabunga
17. Ba da bing
18. Mind your P's and Q's
19. Jumping Jehoshaphat
20. Shiver me timbers
21. Bustin' your chops
22. Hip hop hooray
23. Playa hata
24. Crikey
25. Panties