Title: Pink Dots Pairings: Hanchul, Heeteuk Rating: soft R Genre: First it's angst, then it's fluff. Summary: Life would be like a black carpet if it wasn't for the pink dots.
ahh !! this is awesome ! i'm actually more of a kangteuk fan but teukchul is just too hot to resist.
"It's okay." Leeteuk sighs, shaking his head. "I'll tell him you're sorry." it sounds so shallow when he says it and Hankyung notices it because he flinches slightly, looking so troubled that Leeteuk almost feels sorry for him. But he doesn't say anything else, he just looks down, counting the little pink dots on Heechul's black carpet.
When Champagne finally relaxes and lies down on his knees comfortably, Leeteuk knows that Hankyung is already gone.
He's still counting the little dots until they get blurry and shaky and wet.
"Did you know that you have 248 dots on your carpet?" Leeteuk asks, walking into their room after taking a shower. His hair is wet and he's wearing loose jeans and a plain white t-shirt and when Heechul looks up from his book, he immediately smiles.
"You're hotter than him" he states.
"Thank you" Leeteuk rises his left eyebrow at him, knowing better than to ask who exactly did Heechul mean by 'him'. "But I was just talking about pink dots."
"You make pink dots sound hot." Heechul's grin is getting predatory.
"Of course." Leeteuk grins back at him. "I'm the leader of the hottest band in Korea. Screw DBSK, they don't even make pink dots sound hot."
FINALLY Eeteuk isnt so full of fail xD
"Ok," is Leeteuk's cheerful answer. "But I'm topping."
"It's okay." Leeteuk sighs, shaking his head. "I'll tell him you're sorry." it sounds so shallow when he says it and Hankyung notices it because he flinches slightly, looking so troubled that Leeteuk almost feels sorry for him. But he doesn't say anything else, he just looks down, counting the little pink dots on Heechul's black carpet.
When Champagne finally relaxes and lies down on his knees comfortably, Leeteuk knows that Hankyung is already gone.
He's still counting the little dots until they get blurry and shaky and wet.
"Did you know that you have 248 dots on your carpet?" Leeteuk asks, walking into their room after taking a shower. His hair is wet and he's wearing loose jeans and a plain white t-shirt and when Heechul looks up from his book, he immediately smiles.
"You're hotter than him" he states.
"Thank you" Leeteuk rises his left eyebrow at him, knowing better than to ask who exactly did Heechul mean by 'him'. "But I was just talking about pink dots."
"You make pink dots sound hot." Heechul's grin is getting predatory.
"Of course." Leeteuk grins back at him. "I'm the leader of the hottest band in Korea. Screw DBSK, they don't even make pink dots sound hot."
FINALLY Eeteuk isnt so full of fail xD
"Ok," is Leeteuk's cheerful answer. "But I'm topping."
*random keyboard smashing*
ilu ilu ilu ~
Haha Kangteuk is my favourite too. Or at least I think so. Not so sure anymore... Heechul seems to want to own my brain >>
Haha ilu2 xD Thanks! ^_^
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