Title: Six ways of finding out
Pairing: Shige/Tegoshi, Pin
Rating: PG-13
Genre: romance, fluff
Author's notes: It was supposed to be really short. I FAILED. I swear, it's all Tegoshi's fault, the boy just doesn't know when to shut up, his part is the longest one... and also, the most boring one. *glares at Tegoshi*
Six ways of finding out
You know
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i enjoyed ur fic XD
ur way of 'packing' the story is different and i love it <3
Massu part is so much LOLS xDDDD
Aw, you should feel sorry poor Massu instead of laughing at him! xDDD *hugs him*
thanks again!~
and it screams classic massu XDDDD
hehehe~ of course no NewS members xD
keeps them all for myself*RUNSSSSSS*
But I'm glad you think it's classic Massu, because I'm quite nervous about the way I write them ^_^; thank you!
do write more ne :3
i will look forward to that ^^
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