psats sucked.
practice was productive and fun? wow. haha.
aileen`s party was a lottt of fun. =)

i love love love her dress
bestest buddyshipp.<3
my future husband.. is a manwhore.
nick and tinaa<3
manwhore and slut, lmao, jk lysa i love you.
jennifer, love of my lifee.
i love them! haha.
miss christina and miss amanda, representinn.
very hot.
awesomest girl ever.
4 of my best friends, i`d be lost without them<3333
sam robinson is so hot.
amazing poses.
seery and abbey wanted a picture with val. lol.
abbey karolina seery and me in action-- karolinaaa
eh dark.
lmao, i love seery.
future husband, larry and gary, whaaat?!
this amused me greatly.
my best friends <3 cancer.
cigarette-- pretzel?? lmao jess <3
christina and lysa are hot.
loveeee it.
what a face, aileen.<3 lol.
jessie and jenniferr, "i`ll fuck you upp!"
aw seeryyy.
seery and abbey, i love you guys.<3
need to sleep. nys championships tomorrow at hofstra. hm. should be a good day, i`m excitedddd.
goodnight, <3