Jan 23, 2008 18:25
A very mixed time at Islip. Highlights included:
Seeing old friends
Having a laugh
Getting my 3 beat weave right (I am not starting to try and get the 5 beat)
Seeing the new members of Debec doing so well
Getting away
Having a drink (2 even)
Low points:
My back giving up on me
People not taking their shots
Some of my driving wasn't up to its normal high standards (The car feels very different when full up)
My back is now a lot better than what it was on Saturday, though I am still having a few twinges of pain when standing. I popped around and saw Liz and Paul after dropping everyone off back at Canterbury. This week has been a bit busy, Work is horrible and I hate it still, today I get there only to find out that the trainer had canceled. Unfortunately everyone was busy so all I did was go and see Aliens vs Predator Requiem, which was a bit pants, though not objectionable. I also popped up and saw Chris Lynch yesterday who is start back at University and we had a natter about stuff.
Well I am going to have a bath, hopefully that will do my back some good.