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defiant_rage April 5 2010, 17:06:15 UTC
I will.

[No hesitation in this harsh voice.]


xmaliciouslyx April 6 2010, 01:44:54 UTC
I'm in the gym. Don't keep me waiting.


defiant_rage April 6 2010, 02:37:43 UTC
[Ripa arrives in just a matter of minutes. Someone's eager.]

Was it you who challenged me?


xmaliciouslyx April 6 2010, 02:44:52 UTC
[Ripa's likely to see this tiny girl stretch a bit before she turns to greet her opponent. W. T. F.]

What are you?


defiant_rage April 6 2010, 03:48:31 UTC
[Ripa chortles lightly.]

A Sangheili. I have been charged with the destruction of your race.

[He's assuming she's human, of course.]


xmaliciouslyx April 6 2010, 21:10:51 UTC
[Eyebrow arch.]

Let me guess, you will be attacking "earth"?

[Azula's not from Earth. Huzzah!]


defiant_rage April 6 2010, 21:19:11 UTC
Earth? No... how fascinating. Is that the human's home planet? We had not discovered it yet. We simply glassed their colonized planets to the ground. Reach was one of them... nothing but fire and scorched earth. Quite satisfying.


xmaliciouslyx April 6 2010, 21:24:06 UTC
So I am told. Have fun with it.

[She really doesn't care.]


defiant_rage April 6 2010, 21:26:30 UTC
I will have more fun with this.

[Ripa raises his fists; the message is simple. He's tired of talking and wants to fight.]


xmaliciouslyx April 6 2010, 21:28:18 UTC
[Talk about somebody being eager. Azula shifts into a bending stance, arms raised with a smirk.]

Come and get it.


defiant_rage April 6 2010, 21:30:51 UTC
[Ripa snarls. He's cocky and doesn't have the slightest idea that Azula has any sort of powers. Basically, he's expecting to steamroll her and enjoy it.

The eight foot tall muscle-bound alien stomps right for her, his giant plated fist swinging for her gut.]


xmaliciouslyx April 6 2010, 21:35:40 UTC
[Azula's not entirely sure WHAT it is she's fighting. She watches as he charges toward her, studying to see if he's covered in armor or not.

Since she can't tell, she'll go with what she does know. The face is almost always a weak point. So she waits patiently, right up until she has a clear shot of Ripa's face.

With a closed fist, she punches a blue blast of flame at her target.]


defiant_rage April 6 2010, 21:40:59 UTC

[Ripa reels back, more shocked than hurt by the sudden burst of flame-- although it certainly does hurt. The flames lick over his silver helm and he shuts his eyes to keep them from watering from the heat and blurring his vision.

This is going to be a much more interesting fight than he anticipated. He tries strafing around her now, orange eyes flicking over her frame.]


xmaliciouslyx April 6 2010, 22:44:29 UTC

[Azula smirked and made sure to keep her eyes fixed on Ripa's every move. He was big, much bigger than anything she had ever fought before. She knew that a hit from him would definitely hurt. She'd have to tread carefully.]

Well? I'm waiting.


defiant_rage April 6 2010, 22:47:26 UTC
[Ripa growls and steps towards her quickly, feigning a hook with his right fist. At the same time his left foot snaps out, trying to sweep Azula off her feet.]


xmaliciouslyx April 6 2010, 23:03:52 UTC
[Azula was ready to block his right hook, but was caught off guard by his foot. She tips over with a gasp and a thud. She doesn't move initially, keeping her breathing steady.

But she'll wait. If her training's taught her anything, it's that most of the time once you've been knocked onto your back, your opponent will try to kick you. And didn't she have a delightful surprise waiting for him. ♥]


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