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rocklikerunaway April 5 2010, 13:50:29 UTC
You're on.

You still want that bending court? Meet me on Deck 13. All you gotta do is clear some space.


xmaliciouslyx April 5 2010, 13:57:31 UTC
[Just the voice she wanted to hear.]

On my way, Tophie.


Commentlog? rocklikerunaway April 5 2010, 14:06:40 UTC
[Toph has stashed her staff safely in a corner of the temple and is now standing between the temple and the lifts, leaning against a spur of rock she bent up just for that purpose

She's waiting.]


Commentlog xmaliciouslyx April 6 2010, 01:43:26 UTC
[Azula arrives momentarily after speaking to Toph and looks around for the Earthbender. Once spotted, she approaches, but is careful to keep some distance between them.]

Good to know you've found a place to play in the dirt.


Commentlog rocklikerunaway April 6 2010, 04:58:14 UTC
[Toph kicks down her leaning post and takes a defensive stance.]

If you're afraid of messing up your hair, it's not to late to back out.


Commentlog xmaliciouslyx April 6 2010, 21:12:12 UTC
Oh Tophie, I would not dream of it.

[Bending stance is a go.]


Commentlog rocklikerunaway April 7 2010, 06:01:26 UTC
[Toph waits. If there's one thing she's learned since getting here, it's that bending is harder. She gets tired faster. Is the same true for Azula?

Has Azula realized?

Toph considers for a moment. She is not the greatest strategist around, but it couldn't be any clearer that her best bet here would be to goad Azula into an attack.

And that is something she is very good at.]

Ya know... I might. Maybe some other time, Cuckoo-bird. Right now, I think I'd rather spar with a turtle.

[And she folds her arms behind her head and begins to turn away.]


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