Aug 18, 2004 13:54
hah well ..yesterday sucked cause they put me in a harness ot do back handsprings n i fell like every single time cause the thing kept pulling me back ..but anyways i been doing handstand after handstand to strengthen my arms cause my arms naturally dont lock so when i jump back in a back handspring my elbows could like easily dislocate which is grossss ..but anyways i went to this store yesterday to buy like a spacer for my belly button cause we arent allowed to wear belly buton rings in cheerleading ..n it turns out im not supposed to have anything in so really buying a spacer was useless ..hah and yesterday night was sooo funny ..lauren mcmahon slept over n we left the house at like 12 and we took a walk n we went back home cause i left my phone there n on one corner of my house there was a skunk so we walked around the other side and suposidly there was a possum near my foot and there was another one near the door we were all freaked out so we ran to lindsays house n were yelling at her window n we put my sister up in a stunt so she could knock on the window hah n then they were all like inside .."someones at our window!" it was soo funny we went inside the house cause her mom let us in n we stayed there for a little ..but it was even more funny cause before we left my house we put on sooo much makeup and we looked like fuckin ugly hookers or something it was too funny ..yeah so today im gona go watch my sisters cheernastics n then i have cheerleading at 6? so ill update later =P