Nov 28, 2005 21:30
today was extremely stressful. school sucked. how could it not? coming back from a week off will always suck. then of course, i found out i'm completely sunk in schindler's. i'm missing like a 50 pt assignment. THANK. YOU. CAREER ACADEMY. it's due to my absences because i had no clue we turned it in. i'm aggrivated with school already.
work went super fast. went downstairs and kept kevo company for a little while on my way back from records... he cracks me up.
after work, went to that one place to see that one boy & as he's leaving, my car most certainly died. well please keep in mind i'm not really in that safe of a place, by myself, and it's storming. [p.s. i hate being in storms alone] now my first instinct as a typical girly girl is to cry & call my daddy. so i call my daddy & i'm trying to hard not to panic and luckily he was on his way home from work & was close. THANK GOD. to tell you the truth, if he was further away i probably would have had a panic attack. lol. so my daddy gets there and jumps my car and i get to the intersection of this side street & lakeland hills & my car dies, yet again. and by now, of course, it's pouring rain. well we jump it again & i have to drive backwards w| no lights on into the post office. then on the way home from wal-mart & getting the new battery i thought i lost my keys!!! come to find out my daddy was just sitting on them! haha. oh well.. don't worry guys, the Z is back in action!!
i'm hoping tomorrow is better.........
logan won't buy me a fish :( & i don't know if troy will make it to work w| me without dying.