~yuma-advent calendar~ [2011-day9]

Dec 09, 2011 23:21


Count the days for Christmas Day with random Words by Yuma~!

[message from a listener about crying easily…]
Lately I haven't cried… By deep emotion you mean? Well deep emotion ne… soon there will be the graduation-season so I might cry but… now it's still fun so… hmm. And 'I cry easily when getting warned'… well if you keep thinking 'Don't cry, don't cry!' you'll probably end up crying so a bit more at ease, like thinking of fun things. Un.  I think doing such things already help. Hai.
WOW! There's written below: 'Comforting words towards a crying girl'. Comforting words!? …comforting words!? …Hai, here we go, 3 - 2 - 1!
Don't you cry! If you keep on crying… I'll make you cry even more!
Like this ne. (laugh) Like to joke around like this. (laugh) Well, all of you are like 'Eh?' but… it's alright. I don't care! For now it's this! (laugh) It's these words now! Today it's these words! (laugh) This week's this! (laugh) Nakayama Yuma's character is losing its temper. Hai. So thank you very much for your messages!

(RADIO CATCH #111 [11.11.10])

advent calendar

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