Please Read, GUYS!!!

Mar 07, 2010 03:12

Dear F-List,

I know a lot of you are products of the Brits, and not like us filthy Americans. I know that Dr. Who is a staple in your countries because, "DUH! He's the Doctor!". I also know that Donna Noble may very well be your most favorite companion. Now, I've no doubt I would feel as passionate as you on the matter, had I continued to watch as most of you did.

However, I'm here to talk to you about my childhood. Well, briefly. Once upon a time, I was a itty bitty 8 year old. And that itty bitty eight year old went ahead and saw The X-Files with her dad. And she realized that little girls can too kick the collective ass of evil. And get the hot nerdy guy. Why am I telling you this? Because I know that most of you have watched Battlestar Galactica. I know you've watched it and you think that either Laura Roslin or Kara Thrace are the queen bitches of the universe. But ask yourself this, would you still think that they were, had you not had Dana Scully to bring you up in your childhood?

Would you still think it were ok for little girls to grow up to be doctors had you not seen this most epic example? Would you think that a petite woman would be able to look hot, be smart AND kick ass? Would you think that two people, without any special "powers" or abilities would help stop the world from ending and make you so obsessed with finding the truth? Hell, would you even be in fandom?! Would I even know you, if at such a young age you too didn't seek to learn of others like you, whom truly loved a character and held her as a role model? No one can say for certain, but I do know this. Dana Scully deserves our support. So if you haven't already done so, please, please, please. Go vote for Dana Scully @ f_march_madness. And if you've voted for Donna, please consider the woman that made you realize that girls on TV didn't have to be damsels in distress.

You can vote for Scully by clicking the link below:


^^ click button to also vote for SCULLY ^^

f-list, poll, help f-list help!!!, tv: the x-files, lj: f_march_madness

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