to read this...
I NEED YOUR HELP, i have a new art project comming up and i NEED photos of you for my next art project, its due in TWO WEEKS so i need it ASAP. common, its your chance to be painted,
the project is called do you wonder and i'm going to put a series of canvases together and paint people with speach bubbles with good facial expressions/ gestures
-a picture of your head to a little below your waist or or head to your chest... anything just not a picture of your head... i need to see most of the upperbody so please dont cut it off
-good facial expression, and by that, i mean show emotion. sad, happy, angry... just dont look stupid/fake... but you decide
-maybe make some hand gestures, raise your fist if your angry, you know the deal.
-try not to look straight on... try to look to the side or something... like you're talking to another person on the other side...