Oct 10, 2005 14:08
Thanksgiving at my sisters yesterday was good :]
Although nobody but her and I did anything, it was stressful because she kept yelling at me and throwing food and hot pans at me, lol. She's crazy.
Then after dinner, I walked down to Wal-Mart to get some hair bleach and took Ben with me in his sweet ass buggy, then he fell asleep for a half hour, so that was cool. I bought some new lip gloss too and just as I was coming out of the store, I found a brand new eyeliner on the floor, so I took it, lol. Don't worry guys, it wasn't opened or anything, it was one of the ones that have a plastic seal thing so it was cool...
Then we came home, I bleached my hair again, it turned kind of orange on me, so I bleached it AGAIN when I woke up this morning, that didn't do much but whatever. And noooooooooooow, I'm waiting for Jordan's grandparents to drop him off at home so I can go to his house :]♥. Ugh, I cleaned my room today :[ Stupid...room. I want to start wearing my winter coat, but I'm not sure if it's cold enough for it, ah well I'll do it anyways.
OH YEAH, I forgot to say, I'm pretty sure Alisa likes Jordan again, after Friday night, that was nice...SO if I'm acting like a bitch, she can read this and know why.
I don't think I'm rude for putting that, I just don't sugarcoat things and write in code like "Oh at Jordan's Friday, I thought someone liked him and I was trying really hard not to be a jelous bitch" I'm just going to come out and say it.
I fucking hate school...and my parents are cooking right now and it's burning my eyes.
Where's Jordan? :[[
WELL, I'm going to end this bitch.