Feb 22, 2007 23:19
when someone has a baby i am in tears to hear
babies are all of us, they are pure. nothing is heavier.
everything we must be, falling in the playground, alone in hotel rooms, cooking for lovers, swimming in the ocean, sobbing in despair, crying with joy, blowing out the candles on our cakes, dancing all night and weepy in the holy morning city sun, learning french, silent in the cinema dark, helpless in the art gallery, guilty, ashamed of the poverty of our souls, or minds, the faults of our bodies, the wrinkles under our eyes, the triviality of our thoughts, our failure to recognise god, or reject the idea of god, to love truly, give freely, live honestly, grow endlessly, keep the lawn tidy, or tear it up and fill the patio with palm trees in huge terracotta pots... dying at the end, if death is anything at all, or only the light gone out on the end of pier.
all this folded tight inside the newcomer, the stranger, the black eyed little fish. something like the feeling when the aeroplane takes off and the objects on the ground suddenly shrink. the world's poem scribbled in shorthand on the air.