literature 1936

Nov 01, 2006 21:13

friends, there are times i cannot face the world without a book. Some books are dreadfully deficient in this area of being companionable, but stevie smith's novel on yellow paper has got to be one of the most companiable books ever written. I urge you to return to British literature of the 1930s! Our poetry was beautiful and natural then before we lost our culture and socialism...

'This book is the voice that runs on...'

It seems to me that writing is the world soul talking to itself. it is only when i read that i can transform a shadow of a thought into a sweet idea. And since we have been speaking the tale goes on being said, from one head to another, as if something more than language were required, some light emanation shining from literature flows into the next contributor and the power comes to channel the electric dreams in your own skull - they say there are only four plots but when the world soul is talking is speaks in your own words and your own bolt of lightning illuminating...
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