
Jan 22, 2011 10:35

The last fic post was a couple months ago...very sad to see but we all know real life can make it hard to post new work. Anyway I have a prompt/challenge for the community. Hopefully it will inspire more of us to write more HP/X-Men fics.

Prompt: Mystique saw a child getting killed by someone else and decides to rescue the child. However it is too late and the child dies. Knowing she needs a new cover to hide under she burries the childs body in a nearby church and then takes on the childs form and becomes Lily Evans. So Mystique gets trained as a witch (maybe she already had magic and was denied teaching as a child for some reason) and marries James Potter and gives birth to Harry. What would Harry's mutation be and what will happen when he finds out Lily Evans-Potter wasn't really his Mom. Does he look like his Mother or his half-brother? Can he change shape? Teleport?

xm:mystique, hp:lily, .request, hp:james, .challenges, +mystique/james, hp:harry

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