(no subject)

Sep 28, 2006 01:22


It's been a while, so here i am 
once again to keep all of you 
entertained with my interesting life ;) hah.
Things have been pretty good lately, lauren 
and andrea came 
down for a visit :-D i miss those
bitches ! i really want to visit soon, but there 
are a few issues to deal with considering 
saturdays and sundays are the only days i work. 
but i will eventually make my way up there!

I need to start searching for another job. sadly, 
baskin robbins is cutting me down to..two days 
since its winter time :( boo. and i need a new car 
since mine is dying and its almost winter time,
i really don't think it will make it and i 
don't really want it to.

I hate school already, it's so boring. i have 
two exams on monday which is not good at all.
i should start studying...which means that i won't. 
i wish i was a good asian student instead 
of the biggest procrastinator ever.

Things that were once looking 
really bad, aren't looking really bad 
anymore ♥ which i am soso happy 
about! i guess things just take time. and put it this way, 
i am definately still waiting, but things 
are lookin a lot better than they once were.

Basically my days consist of seeing the same 
4 people, [kelly everyday] but i'm not complaining. ;)
i love you kelly.

but i do miss my andrea :( who i used to see everyday. and i 
miss beerpong! come back home forever please.

and i miss everyone else i used to hangout
with that i never ever see :(

I have a new obsession. that obsession is.. DANE COOK. 
He is seriously hilarious. i watch him every
 single day. he makes my day! 
and night. and plus he is soso cute !

Grey's Anatomy has started :-D i lovvvvvvvvvvvve
 that show! and i am so 
so excited that i don't work this thursday 
so i can actually watch it ! holla! 
mcdreamy is so cute ..yummmmm.

You know that saying you don't know what you 
got til its gone. well my 
phone wasn't working for like two days
and i honestly thought i wasn't going ot make it. 
i felt like i was out of reach of everyone. maybe i'm being
 a little overdramatic 
but ..let's just say that i am 
glad to have my phone back and working :-D anddd i get
a new one real real soon! yay.

Kay this is kind of long so one last thing..

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