May 25, 2005 20:12
hm. what's up?
Nothingg much here
just sitting here w.
Baileyyyy. :)
..&& Megss Just left.
i dont even really rember what
i've been doing. . . . .
After school i came home.
Did some stuff around here,
&& then i went to candices
we chilled there for a few.
Then we went to Ryansss.
David came over for awhile.
Then me && Candice left,
&& came to my house for
the nighttt.
Went tanning w. Ashh
after school, && then i came
home, && went out to eat w. Bailey,
&& my mom. Then pretty much just
sat at home for the rest of the day.
Today, school, then came home
did some things around here,
&& then Mwgss came over after
practice, && we went to the
mall. Came back here, &&
ate some food, &&
she jsut left little bit ago.
- I love Brenda Nacy to death.
She's my bestfriend && will always
be, don't know what i'd do w.o herrr.
- Meggss Oh Pea P very glad were allowed
to hang out again. i missed her.<3
- People talk to much shiitt,
&& it really bothers me.
- Good w. Kayla now, been
hanging out w. herr.<3
- Can't really stand this hose
anymore, Moms crazzy lately.
oh well who knowss.
- Boyss, who even knows.
don't even like anyone anymore.