I woke up at 11 ate breakfast and what not, then Holly came over around 11:30. We layed out in the pool... haha nothing new! lol Its so relaxing and yeah haha Its not like your laying outside being really hot, we lay in the pool so its nice and cool. Then we deiced to be arts and crafty and make some signs for our doors at college! lol Oh yeah, and Holly's weird, but we melted chocolate and marshmellows and then dipped gram crackers in them so they were kinda like samores... okay shes not weird.. it was kinda good! LOL
Then after she left around 2:30, I just sat around and layed around all day. I got a headache before. I think its because ive been out in the sun the last 4/5 days! But oh well, im tan so im happy!!
For those of you who read this and go to MB's.. you should go join Crush MB and tell them I referred you!!